"Friends and citizens!"shouted Defarge.'We are ready!To the Bastille!'
The crowd began to move, like the waves of the sea.
人群开始移动,像海浪般汹涌向前 。
"Follow me, women!"cried Madame Defarge.
“跟着我,妇女们!”得法热夫人说道 。
A long sharp knife shone brightly in her hand.
一把明晃晃的长尖刀在她手中挥舞着 。
"We can kill as well as any man!"
The living sea of angry people ran through Saint Antoine to the Bastille,
愤怒的人海穿过圣安东尼冲向了巴士底狱 。
and soon the hated prison was ringing with the noise of battle.
很快,这让人痛恨的监狱便响起了战斗的声音 。
Fire and smoke climbed up the high stone walls
and the thunder of the guns echoed through the city.
雷鸣般的炮声在城市中回响 。
Four terrible and violent hours.
Then a white flag appeared above the walls and the gates were opened.
城墙上出现了一面白旗,城门被打开了 。
The Bastille had been taken by the people of Paris!
Soon the crowds were inside the building itself, and shouting'Free the prisoners!'
But Defarge put his strong hand on the shoulder of one of the soldiers.
但是得法热把他结实的手放在了一个士兵肩上 。
"Show me the North Tower. Take me to One Hundred and Five, North Tower!Quickly!"
"Follow me" said the frightened man,
“跟我来 。”那个吓坏了的家伙说道 。
and Defarge and Jacques Three went with him through the dark prison,
past heavy closed doors, up stone stairs, until they came to a low door.
路过了沉重紧锁的门,上了石头台阶,来到一个低矮的门前 。
It was a small room, with dark stone walls
and only one very small window, too high for anyone to look out.
只有一个很小的窗户,它很高,没人能够着它往外看 。
Defarge looked carefully along the walls.
得法热顺着墙仔细地查看着 。
"There, look there, Jacques Three, " he cried.
“这儿,看这儿,雅克三 。”他嚷道 。
"A.M.!"whispered Jacques.
“A.M.!”雅克小声念道 。
"A.M. Alexandre Manette, " said Defarge softly.
“A.M.,亚历山大·马内特 。”得法热轻声说 。
"Let us go now." But before they left, they searched the room,
“我们现在走吧 。”但在他们离开之前,他们细心地搜索了一遍房间
and the furniture very carefully, looking for small hiding-places.
和家具,寻找着细小的隐藏之处 。
贵族中的理想人物是达尔奈 。达尔奈在全书中始终是被作者用歌颂笔调来刻画的,他处于一个罪恶累累的家庭,但他出淤泥而不染 。他憎恶并且谴责自己贵族家庭的罪行,面对面向叔父侯爵说:“我们曾经胡作非为”,“甚至在我父亲的时代,我们就已经犯下了许多罪恶,伤害了妨害我们享乐的每一个人 。”