今日课题:有这么个意思:她不惜吝啬时间去帮助他人。有人就这么说:She is generous to give of her time to help others.
课题详解:这句话说得对还是不对,暂且不论。先请跟小J来熟悉一个词语的意思和用法。这个词语仍然是我们上回提到的“generous”。Generous在这句话中的意思是”宽厚的“”仁慈的“”宽宏大量的“。在《柯林斯中阶词典中》解释道:A generous person is friendly, helpful, and willing to see the good qualities in someone or something. 例如:
He wrote a very generous assessment of my work. 他对我的工作的评价有许多赞誉之词。
He has a generous mind. 他有宽广的胸怀。
作为这个意思解释时,要表示“在......方面仁慈大度”要和介词in连用:be generous in doing something。例如:
He was always generous in sharing his enormous knowledge. 他从不吝啬与人分享自己渊博的知识。
而我们今天的课题句子:She is generous to give of her time to help others. 句子中用到的是动词不定式。用generous表示“在......方面仁慈,大度”,generous后面不能接动词不定式。因此,根据要表达的意思——她不惜吝啬时间去帮助他人。用英文正确的说法是:She is generous in giving of her time help others.
评价别人时要力求宽大为怀。(参考翻译:Try to be generous in your judgment of others.)
我们今天的学习就到此结束了,感谢您的参与。I am Juliet. Bye for now.