熟悉美国作家Nicolas Sparks的网友们都知道他的一部小说名叫Dear John。John是军队中的士兵,在一次回家探亲的过程中爱上了一个女孩儿。两个人感情深厚,可回到部队后的John却收到了一封来自女孩儿的分手信。从前,John也被认为是美国大兵的代名词之一。而Dear John, 正是给人写信的开头。所以,现在人们就用dear John来表示分手信;绝交信了。
A: Tim is so drunk. We can’t let him go on drinking. Tim已经醉的不成样子。我们不能让他再喝了。
B: He just got a Dear John letter from his girlfriend, so he went to drown his sorrows in drink. 他刚刚收到他女朋友的一封绝交信,因此借酒消愁。
A: Yeah, I know. But beer doesn’t heal. 我能理解。但是啤酒不能疗伤啊。
Read between the lines, he knows it is a Dear John letter. 他从字里行间看出这是一封绝交信。
I received a Dear John letter from my girl friend which broke my heart. 我收到女友寄来的绝交信,伤心欲绝。
His girlfriend wrote him a Dear John letter and moved to Japan. 他的女朋友写给他一封分手信之后就搬到日本去了。
It was a "Dear John" letter that told the recipient, whose name appeared to be Michael, that the writer could not see him any more because her mother forbade it. 这是一封绝情信,写给迈克尔的,发信人因她母亲的阻拦再不能见他。
You still misunderstood the lette; I merely desired for your comfort, it was not a "Dear John" letter. 你仍然误解那封信,我只是想让你安慰我而已,并非绝交。
接到了分手信,似乎get drunk是很多人的选择。不过酒精只能麻痹一会儿,Time is a great healer. 时间才是最好的良药。好了,本期内容我们就听到这里。下期再见。