日期:2011-11-17 13:14



A lot of people thought Uncle Max was crazy. He was always losing things in his topsy-turvy office where papers were scattered all over, or he was trying to explain some new scientific mumbo jumbo that no one else could understand. He was so wishy-washy that I once saw him waste ten minutes trying to decide whether to wear a blue shirt or a white one.
It was only later we discovered that the old fuddy-duddy, who spent most of his time alone with his books, was a very important scientist. He worked in a secret government operation. He was a rocket technician in one of the most hush-hush project of this century.

Uncle Max被认为有些疯癫。在自己topsy-turvy的办公室里总是丢东西。其实这个词从后面的定语从句where papers were scattered all over上也能猜出它的意思是乱七八糟的,相当于messy。另外,他还总会跟你说一些没人能听懂的 mumbo jumbo莫名其妙的话

这个老人还有一个毛病,就是wishy-washy,挑个衬衫也要花上十分钟。这个词就表示缺乏决断力的,优柔寡断的。再比如:Stop being so wishy-washy and make up your mind. 别再这么优柔寡断了,你得拿定主意。

不过,就是这么一个被我们称为fuddy-duddy老古董的人,却是一个非常重要的科学家。Fuddy-duddy,守旧的人。比如:Her boss is such a fuddy-duddy. He won't allow her to chew gum on the job. 她的老板古板的要命。不准她在工作室吃口香糖。

最后,我们知道Uncle Max是本世纪最hush-hush的一个项目的火箭技师。Hush这个词大家也许不陌生。让人不要说话得时候就用这个词,相当于汉语里的嘘,不要说话。两个hush放在一起,大家都不说的,也就是机密的;秘而不宣的。再比如:The information is all hush-hush. 那些信息都是机密。

英语中,这样的词语还有很多。比如pitter-patter 形容下雨时的劈啪声wheeler-dealer 追求利益的人,独断独行的人;humdrum 单调的,乏味的dillydally 慢吞吞地闲混tip-top最好的;第一流的;头等的。
好了,来看本期的小问题:If someone talks mumbo jumbo, is it clear to you?

  • hushn. 肃静,安静,沉默 vi. 安静下来,掩饰 vt.
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • chewvt. 咀嚼,嚼碎,损坏 vi. 咀嚼 n. 咀嚼,咀嚼
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • humdrumadj. 单调的,乏味的 n. 乏味的谈话