Hello, 我是Rose, 欢迎光临“布朗尼加分”口语课堂。 今天要给大家讲的是一个“乐极生悲”的故事。不过,这个小“悲剧”还真是有点让人匪夷所思。
One day, a Russian man is fishing at a lake. He is crazy about this sport. He catches a very large fish and is on cloud nine! Then he begins to show off for his pals. He grabs the fish and kisses it right on the mouth. But the fish turns the tables on the fisherman and bites his nose. It won't let go. The poor fisherman is in hot water now. "Take it easy," his friends advise. Then they have an idea. They cut the head off the fish. But the fish still won't let go of the fisherman's nose. It has strong teeth! Finally, doctors in a local hospital set the fisherman free. "Play it safe," they tell him. "Don't kiss any more fish!"
故事里的主角is crazy about fishing,对钓鱼这项运动非常着迷。一天,他钓到一条非常大的鱼。这可真让他,on cloud nine了。不知道大家是否还记得之前讲过的be in seventh heaven,这两个短语表达的是相同的意思,“极度幸福,高兴的忘乎所以”。再比如,He was on cloud nine after winning the competition. 他在比赛获胜后欣喜若狂。
对于一个迷恋钓鱼的人来说,能钓到大鱼的心情除了on cloud nine之外,还免不了要去show off 一番。Show off短语种的show大家一定都不陌生,现在很流行的各种“秀”就出自show 这个单词,表示“展示”。但show off可不是单纯的展示,而是“炫耀,卖弄”,也就是我们常常说的“显摆”,有贬义的感情色彩。比如: He wrote in that style just to show off. 用这种文体写文章,完全是为了卖弄文采。Mike has only driven to the pub to show off his new car-he usually walks! 麦克驾车来到酒店,只是为了向大家炫耀他的那辆新车,他平时总是步行来的!
炫耀也就罢了,这个人的方式还真特别,他亲吻了自己的胜利品,可惜的是,鱼儿毫不领情,做出的反应是turns the tables on the fisherman and bites his nose。Turn the tables (on),字面意思为“将桌子调转过来”,暗示互换了位置,我们常常翻译为“扭转局面”。比如I'll turn the tables on you one day and punish you for all the wrongs you've done to my family. 总有一天我会报复你的,你对我家干了那么多坏事,我会惩罚你的。就像这条被钓上的鱼一样,用咬住对方的鼻子作为回敬。这下,这个人可be in hot water了。不用我解释,相信大家都知道处于很烫的水中是怎样的状态了。再比如:I lost my report in the taxi; now I am in hot water with the boss. 我把报告忘在出租车上了,我现在麻烦了,老板那儿无法交代。
最后大家不得不cut the head off the fish砍掉鱼头,并在医生的帮助下set the fisherman free,让钓鱼人的鼻子得以解脱。
医生给他的劝告是,凡事还是“play it safe”为好. 这个短语原本指打高尔夫球时,如果没有把握就不冒险的意思。现在多用于指“小心,稳扎稳打”。再比如:I think you should play it safe and wait. You know, safe than sorry. 我觉得你还是小心一点,先等一下。小心总比后悔好。