现在挨板儿砖似乎是网络上形容被批评,被声讨的专门用语了。假如挨的不是一块板儿砖,而是一吨的板儿砖,那个情形会是什么样子呢?英语当中还真有这样一个习语,like a ton of bricks,它就表示来势汹汹;来势凶猛的。
A: Miffy said she would never ever act in a school play. Miffy说她从此以后再也不参演学校的剧目了。
B: Why? She used to love acting. 为什么?她不是很喜欢表演吗?
A: Well, she didn’t actually do well in the new play. And Mr Wang’s comments hit her like a ton of bricks. 她在一个新剧目中表现不佳。王先生的评论,给她打击很大。
When the boss found me goofing off, he came down on me like a ton of bricks. 当老板发现我偷懒时,气势汹汹地训斥了我一顿。
When she told me she was leaving, I felt like a ton of bricks fell on my head. 她告诉我她要离开,我感觉好像一顿砖头掉在我的头上。
去掉了like,a ton of bricks也有压力,困境的意思。
It’s difficult to maintain a light, happy-go-lucky feeling when you’ve a large ton of bricks on your back. 当深陷巨大压力中时,还要维持清新,快乐且幸运的感觉是很困难的。
I had been wondering what to do for several days when, just like that, the answer hit like a ton of bricks. 我考虑了几天该怎么做,突然,答案就那么突然的出现在了脑子里。
这里,like a ton of bricks 又有了突然,一瞬间的含义。
好了,like a ton of bricks,它的用法您记住了吧。尝试着自己用一用吧。