看过西游记的人都知道,孙悟空曾经玩过一次悬丝诊脉,透过一条丝线诊断病情。我们都看过的木偶戏,也是靠吊在各个关节的丝线控制木偶的动作。小小的一根线,用处可以很神奇。在中国,我们称暗中疏通渠道为走后门,英语当中却用pull strings 牵拉线来表示暗中主使;走后门;幕后操纵。让我们通过几个例子,来看一下它的具体用法。
In order to find a suitable job, I have to pull strings. 为了找到一份合适的工作,我得走走后门。
Since you are the big cheese of you company, I wonder if you could pull strings and find me a job. 你是你公司里的大人物。我想你是否能活动活动,给我找个工作。这句话中,big cheese表示大人物的意思。再比如:
I hear there’s an opening in your company and I would like to fill it. But will you pull some strings for me? 听说你们公司有个空位,我很想去试试。你能先为我牵线搭桥吗?
If you want to see our boss I can pull strings for you. 如果你想见我们老板,我可以暗中帮忙。再比如:
If you really want that job, I have some connections and can pull strings for you. 如果你真想要那个工作的话,我有些关系,可以帮你牵牵线。
有人愿意帮忙引见当然是好事儿,但自己总要有些真本事,能够胜任职位才是正道。好了,pull string, 走后门的用法,我们就了解到这里。下期再见。