罗密欧与朱丽叶之间的爱情悲剧大家耳熟能详了。导致悲剧结果的原因就是两大家族之间的宿怨。如果我们想要表达这两个家族已经彼此敌对了好几个世代这个句子,那么,就需要找到一个合适的表示敌对;仇恨的词或短语。除了hatred, hostility, 我们还可以用一个比较好记的短语来表达,就是bad blood, 字面意思为坏血;引申意思为仇恨;怨恨;嫌隙等。
上面我们说到的句子就可以翻译为:There has been bad blood between those two families for several generations.
A: You know, there seems something wrong between the two brothers. They don’t talk to each other, and sometimes they stares each other in a quite scary way. 他们两兄弟之间有什么不对劲儿。他们不和彼此说话。有时候看对方的眼神很吓人。
B: How don’t you know that? They fell in love with the same girl, which caused bad blood between them. 你居然不知道。他们兄弟俩都爱上了同一个女孩,这使得两个人互相仇恨。
After so much bad blood between us, how generous can I expect him to be? 我们之间既然仇恨那么大,他还能宽厚地待我吗?
Even though the war ended years ago, there's still bad blood between those nations. 虽然战争好几年前就已经结束,那两个国家之间仍存有怨恨。
All they wanted was to make bad blood between them and fish in troubled waters. 他们所要做的就是挑拨离间,混水摸鱼…
All the bad blood between the groups was forgotten when they had to unite against their common enemy. 当要团结起来反抗共同的敌人的时候,两派忘掉了相互间的一切仇恨。