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日期:2012-01-16 17:06




Nina的独白——I had a craziest dream last night. I was dancing the "white swan". It was different choreography, though. It was more like Bolshoi's.


1. have a dream (1) 做梦 (2.)有一个梦想

用法:1. have a dream of sth ( doing sth )

2. have a dream that+从句

3. have a dream to do sth

例句:I had a dream of becoming a fighter pilot from my childhood. 我小时侯曾梦想当飞行员。

I have a dream that one day I could speak fluent English and write beautiful articles. Despite it is a unrealistic dream for me.我有一个梦想:我梦想有一天我能讲一口流利的英语,我能写好一篇文采华溢的佳作,尽管这是一个不能的梦想。

I have a dream to travel all over the world.But I know,maybe it will take 10 years or 20 years to prepare for it.Hope I can realize this dream one day.我的理想是周游世界.但要完成这个愿望,或许需要10年,20年的准备,希望有朝一日,能实现这个愿望。

2. more like 更像......(更恰当地描述)倒更像是, 说 ... 还差不多

用法:(1)more like to do sth 更喜欢做某事 (2)more.....than 比......更加...... 与其说.....不如说......

例句:I even more like to take the plane. 我更愿意乘飞机去。

She behaves (towards me) more like a friend than a mother. 她像朋友一样(待我), 而不像是我的母亲。

3. dance white swan 扮演白天鹅角色

Dance 是perform( 跳)的意思,在本台词中的用法是dance加上舞剧中的角色,意思为扮演什么角色。



1. 他似乎比较像一个军官,而不像一个商业行政主管。

2. 我做了一个梦,梦见自己在芭蕾舞剧中扮演黑天鹅角色。

3. 我在众多芭蕾舞剧中更喜欢《天鹅湖》。


He seems more like a military officer than a business executive.

I had a dream that I was dancing "black swan"in the ballet dramma called Swan Lake.

I more like the Swan Lake in a number of ballet drammas.


  • pilotn. 飞行员,领航员,引航员 vt. 领航,驾驶,向导
  • fluentadj. 流利的,流畅的
  • planeadj. 平的,与飞机有关的 n. 飞机,水平,水准,刨
  • executiveadj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令 n
  • performv. 执行,运转,举行,表演
  • balletn. 芭蕾舞
  • militaryadj. 军事的 n. 军队
  • unrealisticadj. 不切实际的,不实在的
  • choreographyn. 舞蹈,舞蹈编排