双语有声:Vanishing Breed逐渐消失的物种(图)
日期:2010-05-26 16:38




Vanishing Breed

European mink once thrived along waterways throughout most of Europe.The fur of this small mammal is soft and beautiful.But some people believed the fur of its relative the American mink was more desirable.Fur farmers released thousands of American mink in eastern Europe,and they spread throughout Europe.In the wild,American mink chased the other species away from the best hunting grounds.Now just a few hundred European mink remain――making them Europe’s most endangered mammal.To save the mink,scientists are establishing a breeding population of them on an island in the BALTIC SEA.Without help,says David Macdonald of Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit in England,the European mink is“heading for extinction






【NOTE 注释】

1. breed n. 物种, 种类

2. mink n. 鼬(尤指水貂)

3. hrive v. 兴旺, 繁荣

4. mammal n. 哺乳动物

5. head for 导致

6. extinction n. 消失, 消灭

  • headingn. 标题,题目,航向 动词head的现在分词
  • extinctionn. 消失,消减,废止
  • populationn. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数
  • furn. 毛皮,软毛,皮衣,毛皮制品 vt. 用毛皮制作,用
  • mammaln. 哺乳动物
  • speciesn. (单复同)物种,种类
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • desirableadj. 值得有的,令人满意的,有吸引力的 n. 有吸引
  • conservationn. 保存,防止流失,守恒,保护自然资源