10 signs your love life is going right
You always keep for him the other half of the chocolate almond1) chunk2).
2. When you’re driving down the street, it seems as if all the lights really do turn green.
3. When you fantasize3)-, it’s always about the man who’s already in your life. Well, almost always.
4. When you’re talking something over with him, what you think and what you say are pretty much the same thing.
5. When you tell him about last night’s dream or this morning’s conversation with your mother, he not only listens, he asks questions.
6. You love the way he smells.
7. Even when you’re bored, you’re not bored with him.
You quickly forget about that beautiful guy you kept locking eyes with in the cappuccino4) line.
At work everyone listens when you talk at meetings, asks whether you’re wearing a new suit, wonders from where you get all those great ideas.
10. As a couple you may have problems, but none for which breaking up is the solution.
2.当你驾车在路上行驶时, 你好像感到一路全是绿灯。
3.当你胡思乱想时, 你想到的总是已经进入你生活的那个男人。或者说, 差不多总是。
4.当你与他讨论事情时, 你心里想的和嘴上说的基本一致。
5.当你告诉他你昨天晚上做的梦, 或早上与你母亲的谈话时, 他不但仔细听, 还会提出一些问题。
7.即使当你感到无聊时, 你对他也不感到厌倦。
9.在你的工作单位, 人人都认真听你在会上的发言, 询问你是否穿着新衣服, 惊异你怎么会有那么多的妙主意。
10.作为一对, 你们也许会有矛盾, 但没有任何矛盾需要以分手来解决。
1. almond [5B:mEnd] n. [植]杏树, 杏仁
2. chunk [tFQNk] n. 大[厚]块
3. fantasize [5fAntEsaiz] v. 梦想, 幻想
4. cappuccino [kApJ5tFi:nEJ] n. 热牛奶咖啡