Wedding custom around the world (6)
The Czech1) Republic:Friends would sneak into2) the bride’s yard to plant a tree, then decorate it with ribbons and painted eggshells. Legend said she would live as long as the tree. Brides in the countryside carry on the very old custom of wearing a wreath of rosemary3), which symbolizes remembrance. The wreath is woven for each bride on her wedding eve by her friends as a wish for wisdom, love, and loyalty.
Egypt:Families, rather than grooms4), propose to the bride. In Egypt, many marriages are arranged. The zaffa, or wedding march, is a musical procession of drums, bagpipes5), horns, belly dancers, and men carrying flaming swords;it announces that the marriage is about to begin.
England:Traditionally, the village bride and her wedding party always walk together to the church. Leading the procession:a small girl strewing blossoms along the road, so the bride’s path through life will always be happy and laden with flowers.
捷克共和国: 朋友们溜进新娘的院子去种一棵树, 然后再用彩带和彩绘的蛋壳将树加以装饰。传说新娘将与这树活得一样长。乡村的新娘还保留着佩带迷迭香花环的古老习俗, 以表怀念之情。花环是在婚礼前夕由新娘的朋友编织而成, 它象征着智慧、爱情和忠诚。
埃及: 在埃及, 由新郎的家人, 而不是新郎本人, 向新娘求婚。许多婚姻还是父母之命, 媒妁之言。zaffa, 也就是婚礼, 其实是一个充满音乐的列队游行, 有鼓、风笛、号角及肚皮舞, 男人们手持火红的剑。这个仪式宣告, 婚姻即将开始。
英格兰: 按照传统, 乡村的新娘和参加婚礼的人们总是一起步行走向教堂。一个小姑娘走在队列最前面, 她一路抛撒鲜花, 预示着新娘一生的道路上也将开满鲜花, 永远幸福。
NOTE 注释:
Czech n. 捷克
sneak into 偷偷摸摸地进入
rosemary n. [植]迷迭香
groom n. 新郎
bagpipe n. 风笛