掀起美剧短句风暴23:用于表示"吃力 困难"(5)
日期:2013-09-26 13:30


(一).It's gonna put your life on the line-你会有生命危险的。
This is a way of saying "You may get killed." When a person puts his life on the line, he does something risky and might get killed.
put something on the line 危及......put oneself / one's neck on the line (for somebody) 为了… )甘愿赴险 be on the line (at stake) it....

A: Don't go to Afghanistan. It's going to put your life on the line.
B: I don't think it is as dangerous as it seems on the news.

(二).It's my ass on the line.我有麻烦了。/我就要倒霉了。
This is a way to say “I'll have trouble if anything goes wrong.” The speaker feels that he will be responsible for any problems.
one's ass on the line......危险了
put one's ass on the line 危及......
I'm kind of up to my ass in problems.我现 在面临危险。
A: Why won't you let me into the movie for free?
B: It's my ass on the line if my boss finds out I did that.
