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日期:2012-03-10 18:46






Mrs. Reed : Oh! Here she is. This is Jane Eyre.Jane, this is Mr. Brocklehurstof Loward School.

啊,她来了。她就是Jane Eyre。 Jane,这位是Loward学院的Brocklehurst院长。

Jane : How do you do sir?


Mr. Brocklehurst : I hear you are a wicked child, Jane Eyre. Let me examine you. Do you know where the wicked go after death?

Jane Eyre你舅母说你是个顽劣的姑娘。让我好好看看你。你知道顽劣的人们死后会到哪里吗?

Jane : To hell.


Mr. Brocklehurst : What is hell? Can you tell me that?


Jane : A pit full of fire.


Mr. Brocklehurst : And should you like tofall into that pit...and to burn there forever?


Jane : No, sir.


Mr. Brocklehurst : What must you do to avoid it?


Jane : Keep well, and not die, sir.


Mrs. Reed : It is as I said, you must warn her teachers to keep a strict eye on her...and above all to guard against her worst fault, a tendency to deceit.


Mr. Brocklehurst : Deceit? We do not tolerate that at Loward.


Mrs. Reed : That is why I wrote to you. I would like her to be brought up in a manner be fitting her prospects... to be made useful, to be kept humble. And as for the vacations, I would prefer...if she spent them with you.


Mr. Brocklehurst : Of course.Come!Deceit is a sin. It is a kin to falsehood. And all liars shall spend eternity...in that lake burning with brimstone and fire.


Jane : I'm not deceitful.


Mr. Brocklehurst : I beg your pardon?


Jane : I'm not deceitful.And I'm not a liar. For if I were, I should say that I love you.I do not love you. I dislike you, the worst of anybody in the world...except your son.


Your bags, Jane Eyre.

Jane Eyre,你的行李。

Mrs. Reed : Do you see what a wicked child she is?


Mr. Brocklehurst : Have no fear, Mrs. Reed. At Lowardwe shall tame her unruly spirit.




wicked a.邪恶的,恶劣的,缺德的;淘气的

examine vt.检查, 调查, 考试, 仔细观察

hell n.地狱, 阴间, 苦境, 极大的痛苦

pit n.地洞,坑;煤矿(井)

burn vi.燃烧 vt.点燃;烧毁;烧伤

avoid vt.避免, 逃避

strict adj.严格的, 精确的, 完全的

guard vi.防止,防范

fault n.缺点;错误,过错

tendency n.趋势, 倾向, 秉性

deceit n. 欺骗, 诡计, 不诚实

tolerate vt.容许, 忍受, 容忍

fit v.适合

humble a.谦逊的

sin n.罪,罪孽

falsehood n. 谎言, 虚假

eternity n.永远, 来世, 不朽, 漫长的时间

brimstone n.硫黄

deceitful adj.欺诈的, 欺骗的

tame vt.制服;驯化,驯服

unruly adj.难控制的, 无法无天的, 任性的


1. wicked

双语释义:(of a person or his actions) morally bad; sinful or evil (指人或人的行为)不道德的, 缺德的, 邪恶的

例句:That was very wicked of you. 你干的事可真缺德。 a wicked deed, lie, plot 邪恶的行为﹑ 谎言﹑ 阴谋

2. examine

双语释义:question (sb) formally in order to get information; interrogate 询问, 盘问, 审问, 讯问(某人)

例句:examine a witness in a court of law 在法庭上讯问证人

3. avoid


语法用法:avoid后可接动名词,不可接不定式。例子: You had better avoid reading in the train.你最好避免在地铁上阅读。句中的reading不可改成to read。再如:avoid (driving in) the centre of town 避开市中心(行驶)

4. strict

例句: Our manager is very strict with us. 我们的经理对我们要求很严格。

The doctor put me on a very strict diet. 医生严格限制我的饮食。

As a Puritan, he is strict in moral and religion. 作为清教徒,他的道德和宗教观念都很严格。

5. guard

语法用法:guard against

双语释义:sth use care and caution to prevent sth 预防某事物

例句:guard against disease 预防疾病

They've been doing very well, but they should guard against over-confidence, ie not become over-confident. 他们一直干得挺好, 但应防止过於自信.

6. tendency

例句:His illness grew out of his tendency to overwork.他的病是由于工作过度所致。

He had a tendency to shrink up whenever attention was focused on him. 当别人注意他时,他就会退缩一旁。

7. deceit

例句: He was enmeshed in a web of deceit and lies. 他陷入充满诡计和谎言的圈套。

Furious at his deceit, she let fly at him with a stream of abuse. 他欺骗人,气得她把他大骂了一顿。

He is full of deceit. 他诡计多端。

8. tolerate

例句:He could not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert. 他忍受不住沙漠的酷热。

She's not a woman to tolerate being played with. 她不是一个能容忍别人玩弄的女子。

She almost can tolerate any kind of torrid days. 她几乎能忍受各种酷热的天气。

9. humble

例句:He is a humble and submissive servant. 他是个恭顺的仆人。

She was born of humble parentage. 她出身卑贱。

10. falsehood

例句:Falsehood can in no way be turned into truth by repetition. 假话不管怎样重复,也不可能变为真话。

I was less capable than he of telling truth from falsehood. 我判断真话和谎言的本领不如他。

11. eternity

例句: The dull play seemed to last an eternity. 这场乏味的剧似乎演个没完没了。
He gave her an eternity ring when their son was born. 他们的儿子出世後他送给她一枚表示永恒的戒指。

It seemed an eternity before news of his safety reached her.他平安的消息到达她那里之前,那段时间似乎是无限漫长的。

12. deceitful

例句: His political opponents tore away the show of sincerity covering his deceitful intention. 他的政治上的对手揭去了他那欺骗性目的真诚外表。

His political opponents were able to tear off the show of sincerity that had been covering his deceitful intentions. 他的政治对手们能够戳穿他表面的诚实,揭露他隐藏着的欺诈意图。

13. tame

例句: I advise you not to cooperate with that deceitful businessman. 我建议你不要和那个不诚实的商人合作。

Many kinds of squirrels are easy to tame. 很多种类的松鼠都很容易驯养。

She is too tame. 她太柔顺了。

13. unruly

例句: The headteacher was wrathful with the children's unruly behavior. 校长被那些不守规矩的小学生惹得发怒。

They are unruly mob. 他们是些难以控制的暴徒。



after death:死后

the wicked:邪恶的人

go to hell:下地狱

full of fire:充满火焰

fall into:掉进

keep well:保持健康

keep an eye on:照看,留神,密切注意

above all:首先,尤其是

guard against:防止, 防范

bring up:养育,教养

as for:至于

have no fear:别怕;不用怕

It is as I said... 正如我刚才所说......

a tendency to deceit:撒谎的秉性

a kin to:和......一样


keep an eye on

例句: Keep an eye on the crowd for your teacher. 注意一下人群中有没有你们老师。

Would you keep an eye on my baby for a while? 请你照看一下我的婴儿好吗?

I'll keep an eye on the matter. 这事儿我在心就是了。

Please keep an eye on the stove in case the milk boils. 劳神照看炉上的牛奶, 别沸溅了。

Could you keep an eye on my suitcase for a moment? 你能给我照管一会儿手提箱吗?

above all

例句: He longs above all (else) to see his family again. 他尤其渴望再见到家 的人。
Shakespeare towers above all other Elizabethan dramatists. 莎士比亚远超过伊丽莎白时代所有的剧作家。

What a child should do, above all, is to do well in his studies. 小孩子该做的最重要的事是学好功课。

bring up

例句: Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt. 她出生後不久父母双亡,是由姑母抚养大的。

Bill was born in Canada but was brought up in America. 比尔出生于加拿大,但在在美国长大。

I was brought up to always respect my elders. 我从小就被教导要尊敬长辈。

He gave much attention and thought to bring up his children. 他在教育孩子方面花了大量的心血。

The couple contrived to bring up their children on a small income. 这对夫妻设法以菲薄的收入把孩子抚养成人。

have no fear

If all your dealings have been above board, you need have no fear of their being investigated. 如果你的买卖都光明正大,就不必害怕调查。

You need have no fear that you lack experience . 您不心担心缺乏经验。



How do you do, sir?


Let me examine you.


A pit is full of fire.


Should you like tofall into that pit.


We do not tolerate that at Loward.


That is why I wrote to you.


I would like her to be brought up to be made useful, to be kept humble.


Deceit is a sin.


It is a kin to falsehood.


I'm not deceitful.


I beg your pardon?


You are the worst of anybody in the world.


What a wicked child she is?


We shall tame her unruly spirit.


  • faultn. 缺点,过失,故障,毛病,过错,[地]断层 vt.
  • plotn. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地, v. 绘图,密谋,
  • interrogatev. 质问,讯问,审问
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • witnessn. 目击者,证人 vt. 目击,见证,出席,观察,经历
  • dislikev. 不喜欢,厌恶 n. 不喜爱,厌恶,反感
  • preventv. 预防,防止
  • falsehoodn. 谎言,虚假
  • deedn. 事迹,行为,[法]契约 vt. 立契转让 a
  • contrivedadj. 人为的,做作的 动词contrive的过去式和