Elena: There is something seriously wrong with you. You stay away from Caroline or I will go straight to her mother. The Sheriff. You got it? Stay away from her. I'm sorry. I take it all back. You're completely right about Damon.
你这个大恶魔 。离Caroline远点,要不我直接告诉她母亲 。她是警长,听明白了吗?离她远点 。很抱歉 。我收回我所说的 。Damon确如你所说的一样 。
Stefan: What did he do?
Elena: There are bruises all over Caroline's body. Bite marks, and he has her all confused and messed up in the head. You don't look surprised.
Caroline浑身到处都是瘀伤,还有咬痕 。他完全迷住了Caroline 。让她脑中一片混乱 。你一点也不感到吃惊 。
Stefan: Um... I'm handling it.
嗯……我正在处理这事 。
Elena: Handling it? Stefan, you should be having him arrested.
正在处理?Stefan你本应该找人把他抓了 。
Stefan: Elena, please. I... I don't expect you to don't understand.
Elena 别这样 。我……我不想让你迷惑不解 。
Elena: I don't understand anything, Stefan. So why don't you just clear it up for me?
事实上我一无所知,Stefan 。那为什么不给我解释清楚呢?
Stefan: Look, there are things that you don't know, ok? Things that I want to tell you, but I can't. And I may never be able to. And I just need you to trust me.
听着,有些事情你并不了解,知道吗?我想告诉你,但我不能 。或许永远不会说 。你要相信我 。
Elena: Trust is earned. I can't just magically hand it over.
信任是互相的 。我不能魔法般的一样接受 。
Stefan: I'm so sorry. I have to go.
很抱歉,我得走了 。
clear up
He cleared up the question of his absence in the presence of all his classmates.
他当着全班同学的面澄清了他缺席的疑团 。
hand over
When you vacate the room, you should hand over the door key to me.
你搬出房间时,要把房间钥匙交给我 。
咬痕 Bite Marks (选自豆瓣电影)
卡车司机布鲁斯特从他失踪的哥哥身上接手了一项工作,那就是把一车的棺材送到一个办葬礼的人家里 。在路上他让一对同性恋青龙城凯瑞和沃格搭便车,不过这对情侣此时正在闹变扭,所以布鲁斯特开车开得特别小心 。可是在汽车导航仪的指引下,布鲁斯特的车开到了一个荒郊野岭,并且车也抛锚了,他们三个被困住了 。夜幕开始降临,车上的棺材里似乎有吸血鬼开始嗜血暴动,他们三个必须躲在车里并且要在天亮之前想办法活下来……
考考你 Q&A
Q: Please use the word or phrase you just learnt to complete the sentence beblow.
1.He issued a statement to _____ the situation.
。2.But just as companies should _____ their brands to customers, so should they hand over their products.
1.We must learn to take realistic action towards change and _____ of any unproductive guilt for having what we have.
面对变化,我们必须学会采取符合实际的行动,让任何无用的对于“拥有我们所拥有的”负罪感走开 。
2.But we all know that’s not how it _____ .
但我们都知道,决心并不是这样起作用的 。
let go; works