Stefan: Your parents?
Elena: There's a lot of history here.
这说来话长 。
Logan: Jenna.
Jenna 。
Jenna: Hello, Logan.
你好,Logan 。
Logan: It's good to see you.
很高兴见到你 。
Jenna: I thought I might see you here.
我就觉得我或许会在这里见到你 。
Logan: You knew it.
你说对了 。
Jenna: I dreaded.
我就怕这个 。
Logan: But were secretly hoping.
但是其实暗自期待吧 。
Jenna: And now that I have...
Logan: Whoa, hey, not so fast. I know you. You have a lot more insults in you, I can tell.
哇,嘿,别急着走 。我了解你,我看得出来你心里很憋屈 。
Jenna: Your hairline's receding.
你开始掉头发了 。
Logan: No, it's not. You want to have lunch?
Jenna: Nope.
不想 。
Logan: You haven't changed a bit.
你一点都没变 。
Jenna: Oh, yes, I have. I'm meaner now.
哦,你错了,我变了 。我比以前更小气了 。
Elena: The founding families in Mystic Falls welcome you to the inaugural founder's council celebration. Wow, look, it's the original guest registry. Look at all these familiar names...Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood. Is that Damon Salvatore? And, look, Stefan Salvatore.
置身于Mystic Falls中的创始人家族 。欢迎您来参加创始人欢庆会的开幕式 。哇哦,看,这就像是最原始的客人登记册 。看看这些熟悉的名字……William Forbes警长,Benjamin Lockwood市长,那个是Damon Salvatore吗?看,是Stefan Salvatore 。
Damon: The original Salvatore brothers. Our ancestors. Tragic story, actually.
那是最早的Salvatore兄弟,是我们的祖先 。其实是个悲惨的故事
Stefan: We don't need to bore them with stories of the past.
我们不必用过去的事情来扫他们的兴 。
Elena: It's not boring, Stefan. I'd love to hear more about your family.
这不无聊Stefan 。我愿意多听听有关你们家的事情 。
Caroline: Well, I'm bored. I want to dance. And Damon won't dance with me.
可是我我无聊啊,我想跳舞 。但是Damon不跟我跳 。
Damon: Mm-mmm.
没错 。
Caroline: Could I just borrow your date?
Stefan: Oh, uh... I don't really dance.
哦,呃……我不太会跳舞 。
Damon: Oh, sure he does. You should see him. Waltz, the jitterbug, the moonwalk. He does it all.
哦,他当然会跳了 。你应该见识一下 。华尔兹,吉特巴,还有漫步舞 。样样精通 。
Caroline: You wouldn't mind, would you, Elena?
Elena: It's up to Stefan.
由Stefan决定吧 。
Caroline: Sorry, I'm not going to take no for an answer.
抱歉,我不想听你拒绝我 。
bore sb. with
Not wanting to bore them with a nuanced answer, my standby generic response is “almost everything”.
我不希望用一个繁琐细致的答案让他们感到厌烦,因此准备好的通用答案是“几乎所有方面” 。
take no for an answer
They want to know why things happen and they don’t take no for an answer.
他们要知道事情发生的原因,不得到答案不会甘休 。
神秘瀑布镇在现实中就位于美国乔治亚州的卡温顿(Covington, Georgia) 。美国肯塔基州北部的工业城市,位于俄亥俄河畔 。与辛辛那提隔河相望,有三座桥连通 。人口约4.9万(1980) 。与X线有关的设备、保险柜、锁等的制造工业重要 。其他主要部门有肉包装工厂、酿酒等 。同时,该城市也是美剧《吸血鬼日记》中故事主要发生地“神秘瀑布镇”的场景所在地 。
考考你 Q&A
Q: Please use the word or phrase you just learnt to complete the sentence beblow.
1.The Great Rear Area is also changing. Readers there expect authors in the revolutionary base areas to tell about the new people and the new world and not to _____ the same old tales.
“ 大后方”也是要变的,“ 大后方”的读者,不需要从革命根据地的作家听那些早已听厌了的老故事,他们希望革命根据地的作家告诉他们新的人物,新的世界 。
2.When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't _____ .
你随时可以有快乐的童年,不过第二个童年由你说了算 。
1. _____ this is all there is to our life?
2.This is _____ , and none of mine.
这不是你该知道的事,也不是我该管的事 。
what if;none of your business