Mayor Lockwood: So what happens with the season? One big forfeit? Are they looking for a new coach?
Tyler: I don't know, dad. I doubt anybody's thinking about that right now. Mrs. Lockwood: Charles, founder's party, focus.
爸爸,我不知道 。我觉得现在每个人都在想这个事情 。Charles 别忘了创始人派对 。
Vicki: How are you all doing over here?
Charles Lockwood: Ah, we're doing great, sweetheart.
啊,我们聊得很愉快,亲爱的 。
Vicki: Is there anything else I can get you?
Tyler: We're fine, thanks.
不用,谢谢 。
Charles Lockwood: Just the check, honey.
结帐吧,亲爱的 。
Vicki: Here you go, Mayor Lockwood.
Lockwood市长,这是账单 。
Charles Lockwood: Thanks.
多谢 。
Bonnie: You're taking Damon to the founder's party? What about me?
Caroline: Go with Elena.
和Elena一起去 。
Bonnie: She's asking Stefan.
她邀请了Stefan 。
Caroline: Ok, go by yourself.
好吧,那你就自己去吧 。
Bonnie: Gee, thanks. What about your mom? Is she ok with you bringing Damon?
哦,谢谢你了 。那你妈妈呢?她对你和Damon一起去没有意见吗?
Caroline: And I'm supposed to care why?
Bonnie: He's older sexy danger guy.
他是个成熟、性感又危险的家伙 。
Caroline: Older sexy danger guy? Is that an official witch twitter tweet?
Bonnie: No more witch jokes, ok? That whole Mr. Tannerp prediction thing has me freaked.
别开玩笑了,好么?关于Tannerp先生的猜测真吓到我了 。
Caroline: Ok.And Damon's not dangerous. You know, he just has a lot of issues with his brother. You know, like major, deep-rooted drama.
好吧 。Damon不危险,他只是和他的弟弟有些矛盾 。像那些戏里面演的,有些根深蒂固的矛盾 。
Bonnie: Like...?
Caroline: I'm not really supposed to say anything.
我不能告诉你 。
Bonnie: Caroline Forbes, when have you ever kept a secret in your life?
Caroline Forbes,你什么时候守住过秘密?
Caroline: Ok. But you can't tell Elena.
好吧 。但你不能告诉Elena 。
Bonnie: No.
不说 。
Tyler: So what you gonna buy me?
Vicki: Ugh, some class. Oh, your parents are gone. I guess we can be close now.
呃,总有办法的 。你父母走了,我们可以表现得亲密点了 。
Tyler: What the hell does that mean?
Vicki: You treat me like trash. I'm sick of it.
你把我当垃圾一样看待,我受够了 。
Tyler: I don't think you're trash.
我不觉得你是垃圾 。
Vicki: Really? Then who are you taking to the founder's party?
真的? 那你要带谁去参加创始人派对?
Tyler: Vicki Donovan. Do you want me to ask you to the founder's party?
Vicki Donovan 。你是想让我带你去么?
Vicki: No. It'll be stupid and lame.
不要 。那样看起来很蠢 。
Tyler: True. But it'll be less stupid and lame if you were there.
没错 。但是如果你去了的话就没那么糟糕了 。
Jeremy: You realize you had to ask him to ask you, right? You figure if you dress up like a respectable young lady, he'll finally treat you like one?
Vicki: Screw you, Jeremy.
Jeremy,你乱说什么呢 。
Jeremy: You know you're making the wrong choice, yet you make it anyway. It's sad.
你知道你选错了,但你仍然坚持这么做 。真是悲剧 。
Listening to and respecting your elders is deep-rooted in every culture of the world because it is generally believed that with age comes wisdom and experience.
听老人的话,尊敬老人,在世界所有文化中都是根深蒂固的,因为人们普遍认为,智慧与经验随着年龄的增长而增长 。
the hell
What the hell am I doing this for?
女巫(Witch)指会使用魔法,运用魔杖的女性巫师 。又称魔女所有的女巫都有一只宠物,它们的职责就是检视女巫的行动和帮助女巫 。同时在多款游戏中都有女巫的身影 。而巫婆是一种差别用语(和女巫是有区别的),用来嘲讽一些邪恶的未出嫁的年长女性,或是寡居的老太婆,带有歧视的意味(一般指黑巫师) 。
考考你 Q&A
Q: Please use the word or phrase you just learnt to complete the sentence beblow.
1.But the scale of the protests being held across Iran today also suggests a despair that is more _____ than simply outrage over what they see as a stolen election.
现在伊朗各地抗议活动的剧烈程度同时暗示着一种绝望,这种根深蒂固的绝望,远不是对一场看来被盗取了成果的选举感到愤怒那么简单 。
2.What _____ can I remember, and why?
我到底能记住些什么? 为什么?
1.I try to make each song _____ for itself.
我试图让每首歌都体现出它自己的意义 。
2.The crabs come closer to shore at this time of year, Child said, where they _____ the seaweed.
这些螃蟹每年这个时间,要来到这里海岸的边上,恰尔特说,它们以吃海藻为生 。
3._____ , have you done anything behind my back?
make sense;feed on; by the way