This is Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.
Walking in New York City is almost a competitive sport. (Midnight Cowboy clip: "Hey! I'm walkin here! I'm walkin here!") And people in cities really do walk faster than their country counterparts—2.8 feet per second faster, according to a worldwide study in the 1970s. But that speedier pace of life extends to other aspects of city living, too.
"There's more inventions per capita in large cities, there's more mobile telephony usage in large cities." Lav Varshney, an information theorist at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.
He says you might expect Twitter use to increase in larger cities, too. But after analyzing two and a half million tweets, from 50 U.S. cities, his team concluded the opposite is true: There's actually less tweeting per capita as population rises.
But those who do tweet in big cities are more prolific—tweeting more often, on average, than their small-town counterparts. "And so what we discovered is that there's kind of a core of people we call 'town tweeters' that seem to emerge. And those people are actually tweeting a lot. And then everyone else is not tweeting very much in large cities. And so those what we call "town tweeters" are actually serving as an information broadcast infrastructure."
Their analysis is in the journal SAGE Open.
Of course the faster pace of life in big cities also means that these days, lots of people text and tweet while they're walking. In a 2018 remake of Midnight Cowboy, maybe a more accurate line for Ratso Rizzo would be…, "Hey! I'm tweetin' here!"
Thanks for listening for Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.
在纽约市街头行走几乎可以算是一项竞技性运动了 。(《午夜牛郎》片段:“嘿!没看见我在这里走路吗?我在走路!”)城市居民的走路速度的确快于乡村居民,前者比后者每秒快2.8英尺,这是上世纪70年代一项全球调查所得出的结论 。但是生活节奏加快也会影响城市生活的其他方面 。
“在大城市,人均电子设备数量更多,移动电话的使用率也更高 。”伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的信息理论家拉夫·瓦什里说到 。
他表示,你可能认为大城市的推特使用率也会增加 。但在对美国50个城市的250万条推文进行分析之后,他的团队得出了相反的结论:随着人口的增长,实际上人均推特发送量会下降 。
但是在大城市中,发布推文的人更爱“刷屏”,平均而言,他们比小城市推特用户的发文更频繁 。“我们发现,我们称之为‘城镇发推者'的核心特征似乎出现了 。城镇发推者会频繁发文 。而大城市的其他人则不经常发推文 。因此,‘城镇发推者'实际上是在充当信息传播基础设施的角色 。”
他们的分析结果发表在《SAGE Open》期刊上 。
当然,大城市的生活节奏更快,也意味着现在很多人在一边走路一边发信息和推文 。如果2018年要翻拍《午夜牛郎》电影,那拉茨·里佐更恰当的台词可能是:“嘿!没看见我正在发推特吗!”
谢谢大家收听科学美国人——60秒科学 。我是克里斯托弗·因塔利亚塔 。
1. according to 据…所说;按…所载;
According to a report in The British Medical Journal, children with higher IQs are more likely to grow up to be vegetarians.
根据《英国医学期刊》中的一篇报告,高智商的小孩将来很可能是素食者 。
2. per capita 人均的;按人计算的;
They have the world's largest per capita income.
他们的人均收入居世界之首 。
3. on average 平均起来;按平均值;
On average, those in their thirties do 7.4 hours a week, equal to 43 days a year at their desks without being paid a penny.
平均来看,30多岁的单身女性每周无偿加班7.4个小时,相当于一年有43天的工作没有任何报酬 。
4. serve as 用作;可当…使用;充作;
Knowledge is going to have to serve as the fulcrum of progress or provide the key to a decent survival.
知识必将成为发展的支柱,也将是改善生存环境的关键所在 。