Remember your kindergarten classroom?
The maps on the wall, the charts of the seasons on bulletin boards, the alphabet over the blackboard?
I know I spent hours staring at the brightly colored decorations—and not listening to what my teacher was saying.
我记得自己曾花数小时盯着这些明亮颜色的装饰图案—但老师讲的一句话也没听进去 。
Maybe you did, too.
或许你也有同感 。
And it looks like we're not alone.
并且好像不只是你和我这样 。
The more decorations in a classroom, the more distracted students may be.
教室里面装饰越多,学生们或许就越容易分心 。
So finds a study in the journal Psychological Science.
这是发表在《心理学科学》杂志上一项研究得出的结论 。
Researchers observed five-year-olds in highly decorated classrooms and in classrooms that were relatively bare.
研究人员们分别对精心及相对简单布置的教室中的5岁儿童进行了观察 。
And the kids were less able to hold their focus, spent more time off-task and had smaller learning gains in the busy rooms than in the bare rooms.
精心布置教室中的孩子们并没有将注意力全部放在学习上,更容易走神儿,记住的知识也没在相对简单环境的教室中的孩子们多 。
At that young age, attention regulation skills aren't fully formed.
在年幼时,掌控注意力的技能还不甚完善 。
And yet it's at that stage of development that children find themselves surrounded by decorations irrelevant to what they're learning at any given time.
然而也正是那个阶段,孩子们发现自己处于一间布置精美的教室中,但却和所要学习的知识完全无关 。
The researchers are not prescribing a change from busy to bare rooms.
研究人员并没有表明精心布置的教室需要改变 。
They say there is more research to be done.
还需要更多的相关研究证明 。
But this study, along with previous work, suggests that the visual environment can affect how young children learn their reading, writing and rithmetic.
但这项研究,以及之前的相关研究工作,都建议视觉环境能够对幼儿的阅读,写作以及算术等基本能力产生影响 。
1.stare at 凝视,盯住
The children stare at the tv and even point to it.
这些孩子会盯着电视看,还会对其指手画脚 。
20 Resolution for 2012: don't stare at the cork.
202012年的小小建议:别盯着软木塞看 。
2.irrelevant to 与…不相关
Satisfying one's needs and wants increased happiness but was largely irrelevant to meaningfulness.
满足一个人的需求能增加幸福,但和有意义无关 。
Some are re-reading old texts and concluding that the veil is irrelevant to islamic piety.
一些人重读宗教典籍,她们得出结论认为,面纱与伊斯兰教虔诚无关 。
3.visual environment 视觉环境
The degree of visual satisfaction produced by the visual environment.
由视觉环境产生的视觉满意程度 。
The visual wysiwyg environment makes it easy to do.
视觉所见即所得的环境,使得它很容易做到 。