So like I go into this like salon place, y'know/ And I wanted like to get my toenails done/ And the lady like goes, oh my god, your toenails/ Are like so grody.
就像我走进类似这样沙龙派对的地方,你懂的 。并且我本想歇歇脚脱鞋的,而女生们也愿意来这种地方,噢我的老天,你的臭脚,太恶心了 。
I'm sure you're, like, totally familiar with "valley speak"—in which speakers end phrases with a rising pitch, so they sound like questions?
我相信你很熟悉这种山洞音的说话方式—每句的末尾都是以声调结束的,就好像是在提问 。
The phenomenon's called "uptalk" and it's not just for valley girls.
这种现象叫升调发言,并且不只是女生特有的说话方式 。
Linguists say guys now uptalk, too.
语言学家们表示男生现在也掌握了这种技能 。
Researchers studied the speech of 12 female and 11 male native southern Californians.
研究人员们对来自于南加利福尼亚州地区当地的12名女性和11名男性的讲话方式进行了研究 。
The volunteers had two tasks: to recount the plot of a TV episode, and to give directions.
这些志愿者们被赋予两项任务:重述电视节目片断,并且继续发挥 。
"Start at the college.. keep going, towards the grocery store"
从大学开始 。 。继续,走向了小卖部 。
Overall, women used uptalk twice as often as men.
整体上看男女生都用了两次升调 。
Both sexes finished a sixth of their statements with a rising pitch.
而且男女生完成的陈述内容中有六分之一是升调发音 。
But women exclusively also used uptalk to signal they were still speaking—to hold the floor.
但是女生会专门用升调音强调自己仍然在讲话以镇住全场 。
The researchers presented their findings at a recent meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.
研究人员已将他们的结果发表在最新一期《美国声学研究》杂志上 。
The results suggest uptalk has transcended its traditional demographic...valley girls...to catch on with men.
结果显示升调发音已经超越了传统意义上的地区人类特征界限,在男性中也变得流行 。
But no word yet whether other elements of the vernacular have followed suit.
但是没有一个词仍然能够保持其它的方言特色 。
1.toenail 脚趾甲
She's having an operation on an ingrowing toenail.
她因脚趾甲长到肉里,正在作一次手术 。
This kind of fungal infection on feet and toenail can be prevented if you practice barefoot walking and give the scope to the feet to breath normally.
如果你练习光着脚走路,并且使你的脚能得到正常呼吸的机会,那么这种脚部及脚趾甲的真菌感染就可以得到抑制 。
2.grody 令人讨厌的
Let sparkle have all our secondhand, stale, grody ideas.
让《闪亮》抱着那些第二手的,过时的,乏味的想法吧 。
3.hold the floor 拖长发言时间来控制会议,作令人厌烦的长篇发言
Should I hold the floor for you, sir?
Some speakers can hold the floor for several hours whether anyone wants to listen or not.
有些发言人能一连讲几个小时而不管人家是否愿意听 。
4.transcend to 超越
I intend to transcend the need to be crucified.
我意愿超越被受难的需要 。
What thought-forms do you need to transcend to create scripts and dreams that you desire?