Never post anything to social media that you wouldn't want your mother to see.
可决不能在社交媒体上放些让自己老妈看到的东西 。
A pretty good rule of thumb, if you assume a particular post will linger in perpetuity.
如果认为你特别晒出的东西会永久珍藏的话,这可是条经验之谈 。
A new app called Snapchat, however, argues that some photos and messages should not stay with us forever.
现在一款叫做snapchat的新应用就主张一些相片或者信息不应该永久保存 。
That's why the app lets you set an expiration of up to 10 seconds for shared content after it's viewed.
这个应用会让你设置分享的内容在被观赏过最长10秒后就消失得无影无踪 。
The app developers then delete these “snaps” from their servers.
开发这款应用的人在保存期过后就会从服务器中把分享的内容删除 。
Sounds like the perfect app for sexting, although Snapchat's makers insists that's not what it's for.
虽然snapchat的制造商坚持认为这不是他们的初衷和用途,但听上去确实像是为发布黄色照片内容量身定制的应用 。
Anyone who goes that route should know Snapchat is subject to search warrants just like any other site.
任何人如果真的按要求使用,都应该知道snapchat像任何网站一样是经过授权才能发布 。
And they store unopened snaps for 30 days.
并且他们的未公开照片都会保留30天 。
Facebook and Google like the app so much they each offered to snatch up Snapchat for billions of dollars.
而这一应用十分讨脸书和谷歌的喜爱,他们都想出几十亿美元购买 。
Not bad for a two-year-old company with no revenue.
这对一个没有资金刚刚起步2年的小公司而言其实还不错 。
Snapchat declined both offers.
但Snapchat却拒绝了这两家巨头 。
Maybe they want to follow Twitter's path to a big IPO.
也许他们自己想要走推特的老路搞个大型IPO公开上市 。
If they're just holding out for more money, they better hope their appeal lasts longer than one of their snaps.
假使只想等更多的钱送上门,他们最好指望人们喜爱这款应用,怎么也得比他们一张照片显示的时间长一些 。