Apple's latest product download is almost here, and the Web is as usual rampant with rumor.
苹果的最新产品即将面世,因此网络上一如既往疯传各种消息 。
Some of the more interesting speculation concerns the launch of a wearable device—the mythical iWatch, maybe?
And a new iPhone that can be used as a mobile wallet.
这款新的苹果手机可用作为手机钱包使用 。
Ironically, Apple's biggest mobile gadget competitors—that would be anyone using Google Android—already sell a variety of smartwatches and include near-field communication chips that can pass payment data wirelessly over short distances at retailers.
而讽刺的是,苹果最大的移动产品竞争者谷歌安卓早已贩卖各种智能手表,而且包含可以在零售商处进行短距离无线支付近场通讯技术芯片 。
Still, Apple is the market maker.
尽管如此苹果还是市场的引领者 。
That means, if it debuts a smart wearable September 9, you can expect to see a whole lot of people rocking a new Apple accessory in a few months.
这就意味着如果苹果的这款可穿戴智能手表在9月9号亮相,那么短短几个月时间你就可以看到很多人手里都会拿着它 。
The company's ability to spur mobile payments is even more significant because it could completely change how most people pay for things, going well beyond anything its Passbook app is capable of.
苹果公司促进手机支付的能力更为重要,因为它完全可以改变大多数人的支付方式,而且进展顺利的话会远远超过Passbook应用 。
Remember, Apple wasn't the first to come out with an Internet-enabled phone or an mp3 player.
请铭记一点,苹果并不是第一家推出可以入网或支持mp3手机的公司 。
They were the ones that made smartphones a must-have gadget and digital music a phenomenon.
但就是这家公司使得智能手机成为必备品,使数字音乐成为一种潮流 。