Morethan half of all Americans carry smartphones.
超过半数美国人携带智能手机 。
Smartwatches and smartglasses maynot be far behind.
智能手表和智能眼镜也是指日可待 。
What's not all that smart are the rigid batteries that powerour gadgets.
不大智能的地方就是电池了 。
But some may soon be replaced by ultra-thin, flexible batteries,sewn right into your clothes.
不过或许不久它们很快能被缝在衣服里的超薄软电池替代 。
Researchersbuilt a prototype out of conductive, nickel-coated polyester fabric.
研究者做出导电镀镍聚酯纤维的原型 。
They applied lithium compounds to create the anode and cathode, and separated themwith a spandex-like material.
他们用锂化合物制造阴阳两极,用类似氨纶的材料将两极分开 。
The finished battery was just half a millimeterthick, with a capacity of 510 milliampere-hours per cubic inch—about a quarterthat of the battery in an iPhone 5.
这样的电池只有0.5mm厚,每立方英寸电流为510mA,相当于肾5 电池的1/4电流 。
And the tighter the knit, the higher thecapacity.
织的越紧,电流越大 。
Of course, fabric wrinkles. But this batterycan too.
当然,织物会皱,电池也会 。
Even after being folded 5500 times, the battery kept trucking.
即使折了5500次,电池还在工作 。
Thinfoil batteries, on the other hand, took just 70 folds to become really foiled.
而薄薄的动力电池,折70下就报废了 。
The findings appear in the journal Nano Letters.
这一发现已经在《NANO LETTERS》上发表 。
You don't even have to disrobe to charge this wearable battery.
给软电池充电是不用脱衣服滴 。
Researchers tacked flexible solar cells to it, so it can charge on the go.
电池上附有软太阳能电池,可以边走边充电 。
Might be just the thing to make polyester current again.
大概聚酯纤维又会再次流行吧 。
1.separate with 分离
She really loved white geese and couldn't separate with geese at all.
她这样爱白鹅,简直不能和它们分开 。
You see, I don't want to separate with you.
你知道,我不想和你们分开 。
2.on the other hand 在另一方面
On the other hand, photos and other art pop.
另一方面,照片和其他图形也可弹出展现 。
Their male colleagues, on the other hand, are less enthusiastic--to say the very least.
而男性评论员对这款跨界敞篷车则并不这么热情—这已经是最客气的说法了 。
3.appear in 出版;出庭;表演
Which members appear in the output?
Various techniques for making optical transistors regularly appear in laboratories.
各种制造光电晶体管的技术陆续在实验室出现 。