Obese people have higher risks for diabetes, heart disease, arthritis—and injuries in car accidents? Yes, in part because they’re far less likely to wear a seat belt. That’s the finding of a study out of the University of Buffalo that will be presented at an upcoming meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine in Chicago.
肥胖的人有较高的风险——糖尿病、心脏疾病和关节炎——而且他们还可能容易在车祸中受伤 。真是这样吗?是的,部分原因是肥胖的人在驾车的时候不会佩戴安全带 。这项研究结果会在即将召开的芝加哥急诊医学协会会议上发表 。
The researchers analyzed data in the national Fatality Analysis Reporting System of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The study included a third-of-a-million drivers involved in fatal crashes. Two years ago, the research group found that morbidly obese people were 56 percent more likely to die in a car crash than normal-weight car occupants. The new study revealed that drivers of normal weight are 67 percent more likely to wear a seat belt than are obese drivers—which could account for at least part of the increased death risk.
研究人员分析了美国国家公路交通安全管理局事故报告分析系统中的数据 。这项研究观察了经历过严重撞车事件的336,913名司机 。两年前,该研究小组发现,病态肥胖的人比体重正常的乘车人死于车祸的几率高56% 。这项新研究显示,体重正常的司机比肥胖的司机系上安全带的几率高67%,而安全带可以减少死亡风险 。
The researchers hypothesize that overweight people find belts uncomfortable and difficult to buckle. A weight-loss program can address the problem in the long run. An inexpensive seat belt extension can solve it today.
研究人员推测,肥胖的人觉得扣上安全带会很不舒服 。制定减肥计划可以从长远上解决这个问题 。当下而言,把安全带加长一些就是解决这个问题的一个很经济的方式 。
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