Dogs aren't just man's best friend. Previous studies have shown that kids with dogs are less likely to develop asthma. Now a new study may show how—if results from mice apply to us. The work was presented at a meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.
最近的研究显示狗不仅仅是人类最好的朋友,而且和狗在一起玩的孩子们,患哮喘的风险也低 。最近,从老鼠身上发现的新研究也可应用在人身上 。这个成果展示在美国微生物学会的一个会议上 。
The study tests what’s called the hygiene hypothesis. The idea is that extreme cleanliness may actually promote disease later on.
这个实验检测一个卫生假说 。这个假说是长期生活在特别干净的环境里,实际以后会增大患病的风险 。
Researchers collected dust from homes that had a dog. They fed that house dust to mice. They then infected the mice with a common childhood infection called respiratory syncytial virus—or RSV. Mice who ate the dog dust were protected against RSV infection symptoms, like inflamed, mucus-coated airways, suggesting exposure helped them stave off the virus.
实验人员从有狗的家庭中收集灰尘 。他们把收集的灰尘放进老鼠窝 。然后让老鼠感染儿童常见病菌,像呼吸道合胞体病毒 。吸进灰尘的老鼠可以防止呼吸道合胞体病毒的危害,不会出现如下症状:发炎红肿、呼吸道充满了粘液 。暗示着暴露在空气中可以帮助他们避免病毒的危害 。
Those mice also had more diverse communities of gut bacteria than control mice did. The researchers say our pet's microbes may colonize our gut too, and help the immune system learn to respond to infections.
吸进灰尘的老鼠同样也比控制组的老鼠含有多种肠道细菌,实验人员说宠物身上的微生物可以在我们的肠子里寄生,这样可以帮助提高我们的免疫系统 。
That's important because when kids develop severe RSV their risk of asthma goes up. So next time Buster sheds all over the couch, think of it as a bonus dose of probiotics.
这是重要的事情,当孩子比较容易感染上呼吸道合胞体病毒,从而增大患哮喘的风险时,那时Buster就让这些灰尘散在空气中,因为这样可以提升益生菌的比例 。
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