You talk to a friend. Then you talk to Siri on the iPhone. Does your brain function differently when interacting with a machine versus another person? According to a recent study, there might be one small brain region dedicated to dealing only with people—in order to lie to them.
。然后再通过iphone与Siri交谈 。当你与机器互动时,脑部的功能会不会跟与人互动时不同?根据近期一个研究显示,在人脑有一块很小的区域专门用来处理人与人的关系——包括对别人撒谎 。Researchers had 18 subjects play poker against a variety of human and computer opponents. The participants were encouraged to bluff—they’d get money if their bluffs were successful.
。研究人员鼓励参与者虚张声势——如果成功了就会得到奖金 。Sometimes they were given a weak hand. The researchers evaluated functional MRI signals of the players' brains. Could they tell by looking at the brain patterns whether the player was about to bluff a human?
。研究人员评测玩家们的大脑功能性核磁共振信号 。他们能通过大脑活动模式识别出哪个玩家将要哄骗别人?They found that most regions of the brain that have been previously identified with social interactions lit up regardless of whether the subject was playing a person or a machine. But one small region—the temporal parietal junction, or TPJ—seemed to activate only when participants contemplated bluffing another human being.
。但是有一小块叫做颞顶联合区(或者TPJ)的区域,似乎在对象考虑对别人虚张声势时活跃起来 。The study was published in the journal Science.
。Says study author Scott Huettel, “Social information may cause our brains to play by different rules than non-social information.” At least when it comes to deception.
研究作者Scott Huettel说道:“与非社交信息相比,社交信息可能使大脑扮演不同的角色”至少在欺骗时是这样