Chatter about the Internet of Things is filling the air at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.
拉斯维加斯国际消费电子展上物联网成为人们竞相谈论的话题 。
And the long-sought holy grail of ubiquitous voice recognition really will eventually happen.
人们长期以来向往无所不在的语音识别最终将成为现实 。
Soon people will, as a matter of course, communicate with their cars, homes, appliances and gadgets by speaking instead of typing.
很快人们就能仅凭语音而非动手操控汽车、房屋、家电等 。
And Facebook has seen—or maybe heard—the writing on the wall.
而脸书已经预见到或者听到这种先兆 。
So the social media giant bought an 18-month-old start-up company called Wit.ai.
因此这家媒体巨头收购了Wit.ai,这是一家刚刚成立18个月的新兴公司 。
Wit developed a plug-in code that lets software developers easily build speech-recognition into their products.
Wit开发的一款插件代码能令软件开发者很轻易地为产品构建语音识别系统 。
Of course apps already exist that let you post to your Facebook feed without having to take your eyes off the road or sidewalk.
当然目前已有应用程序能够满足你一边看路一边在脸书上发文的需求 。
But on the horizon are voice commands to search your Facebook feed or even voice recognition to log on to your account.
但即将诞生的语音识别命令则能够对脸书进行搜索或者进行登录帐户操作 。
Wit says its software will remain open source.
Wit公司表示这款软件仍将是开放源 。
But for Facebook to have the company in house gives it access to the tools needed to keep up with tech powerhouses such as Apple and Google, which have been offering voice recognition for years.
而对于收购者脸书而言则能够紧随苹果和谷歌等这样的科技巨人脚步,而这两家公司多年来一直致力于开发语音识别 。
Wit might also be part of Facebook’s virtual reality strategy, which got a big boost last year when the company bought Oculus Rift.
Wit可能是脸书虚拟现实战略的一部分,去年脸书就在购买头戴式显示器上收益颇丰 。
After all, how many of us are expert enough typists to hit the right keys with a visor covering our eyes?
1.communicate with 联系,交流
Family therapy showed us how to communicate with each other.
家庭疗法指导我们彼此之间的沟通交流 。
Group members have to communicate with each other through role-play.
小组成员必须通过角色扮演互相交流 。
2.log on 进入系统; 签入
Customers pay to log on and gossip with other users.
顾客付费后登录系统和其他用户聊天 。
I set the log on the ground and shaved off the bark.
我将原木放到了地上,刨掉了树皮 。