This is Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.
Computers transmit information in bits: 0's and 1's. Off or on. But in quantum computers, that off/on logic becomes a little more flexible. Because the bits in quantum computing, called quantum bits or qubits, can actually be 0 AND 1 at the same time.
Think of it like this: a coin flipping through the air can be considered to be both heads and tails before it lands. In that way, it's like a qubit. Until you measure it, the qubit is 0 and 1, just as until the coin lands, it's both heads and tails.
But the quantum weirdness goes beyond simple qubits. Because physicists have also created pairs of photons, particles of light, called qudits, with a D, for multiple dimensions. And those dimensions are different colors of light. So instead of being just 0 and 1, like a regular quantum bit, these photon qudits are, for example, simultaneously pink and purple and red and orange.
In fact, they can come in as many as 10 different colors...which mathematically means 10 different dimensions...compared to the two dimensions of a qubit. Again, if that sounds crazy, just think of a 10-sided die spinning through the air, instead of a two-sided coin. It's all 10 sides at once. The study is in the journal Nature.
The big advantage of quantum bits, and the point of developing them all, is they contain more information than a classical bit—meaning quantum computers can use them, in theory, to solve super complicated equations much faster than a normal computer could. And qudits? They can hold even more information.
Study author Roberto Morandotti at the National Scientific Research Institute in Montreal, says the equipment they used to work with the qudits is mostly cheap, off-the-shelf telecoms gear. Which suggests quantum computing could someday become accessible to many of us. But for the time being, the world's only commercially available quantum computers exist in just one state: expensive.
Thanks for listening for Scientific American — 60-Second Science Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.
计算机将用“1”或“0”表示的二进制位来传输信息,逻辑属性表示为“关或开” 。而在量子计算机中,“关或开”逻辑则变得更加灵活 。因为量子计算中的二进制位被称为“量子比特”或“量子位”,它们能同时既是“0”又是“1” 。
想象一下:在空中翻转的硬币落地前,我们可以认为它既是正面朝上也是反面朝上 。这就像量子位一样 。在测量之前,量子位既是0也是1,就像硬币落地前,它既是正面朝上也是反面朝上一样 。
但是量子的不可思议之处远不只限于量子位 。因为物理学家还创造出了被称为“quDits”的双光子和光粒,其中“D”代表多维度 。这些维度是光的各种颜色 。普通量子位表示为0或1,而光子高维量子态同时是粉色、紫色、红色和橙色 。
事实上,相较于两个维度的量子位,它们可以同时处于10种不同的颜色状态,这在数学上意味着10个不同的维度 。如果这听起来很疯狂,我们再设想一下:把有两个面的硬币换成有10个面的骰子,让其在空中旋转 。这样就同时有了10种可能 。这项研究发表在《自然》期刊上 。
量子位的巨大优势以及开发量子位的意义在于,量子位比经典二进制位包含更多信息,这表明从理论上来说,相较于普通计算机,量子计算机利用量子位解开超复杂方程的速度会更快 。至于高维量子态,它们能保有更多信息 。
这项研究的作者是位于蒙特利尔的国家科学研究所的罗伯托·莫兰多蒂,他表示,他们用来处理高维量子态的设备大多是便宜的现成通信装置 。这表明,普通人有一天也可以接触到量子计算 。但至少目前来看,可在全世界市场买到的量子计算机只有一种状态:贵 。
谢谢大家收听科学美国人——60秒科学 。我是克里斯托弗·因塔利亚塔 。
1. at once 同时;一起;
例句:I dreamed up a plan to solve both problems at once.
我想出了一个方案,可以同时解决两个问题 。
2. in theory 从理论上说;照理说;
例句:In theory, the buyer could ask the seller to have a test carried out.
理论上,买方可以要求卖方进行一次测试 。
3. off-the-shelf 现成的;不用定制的;
例句:Any car you can buy off the shelf in a pastel pink has got to be saying something.
现货供应的任何一辆淡粉色汽车一定都有自己的卖点 。
4. for the time being 目前;暂时;
例句:I am staying at a friend's house for the time being.
我暂时寄宿在朋友家里 。