The news last month that gravitational waves had been discovered made waves throughout the world of science.
The finding, from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, or LIGO, showed that extreme gravity can cause ripples in spacetime.
In the case studied, the extreme gravity came from two colliding black holes.
Now one scientist is suggesting an added wrinkle—that those two black holes might have originated in a single star.
“The situation is similar to a pregnant woman that has twin babies in her belly.”
Avi Loeb of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
He's proposing the idea in a paper that's been accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Loeb became suspicious because just 0.4 seconds after LIGO spotted the gravitational waves, a space telescope called Fermi glimpsed a bright flash of gamma-ray light in the same area of the sky.
“Detecting such a signal is quite surprising from a collision of two black holes.
What could be the source of a flash of light following a black hole merger?”
Colliding black holes should not produce such light—but the death of a very massive star could.
“My idea was that if the star is spinning very rapidly to start with, then as its core collapses it produces a bar that breaks into two clumps of matter, sort of like a dumbbell configuration. And these two clumps of matter orbit a common center, and they eventually collapse independently into two black holes.”
Of course, it's possible that the Fermi telescope signal was a false alarm.
So we'll see if future gravitational wave detections are also accompanied by flashes of light—supporting the idea that twin black holes collided upon the collapse of a massive star.
上个月人类首次直接探测到引力波的新闻在科学界激起了波澜 。
这一在激光干涉引力波天文台(LIGO)上的重大发现,表明极限重力可以引发时空涟漪 。
在这项研究中,这种极限重力来自两个黑洞的碰撞 。
而现在一位科学家提出一种特别的理论,那就是这两个黑洞可能起源于同一颗恒星 。
“这样的情况就好比一位怀有双胞胎的孕妇一样 。
“哈佛-史密森天体物理中心的天体物理学家艾维·勒布说道 。
在《天体物理学杂志》上发表的一篇研究中他提出了这样的观点 。
勒布提出质疑是因为LIGO观测到引力波信号仅0.4秒后,费米太空望远镜就检测到伽玛射线爆发,而引力波和伽玛射线爆发均产生于同一片区域 。
“检测这样一种来自两个黑洞碰撞的信号令人非常吃惊 。
碰撞的黑洞不应该产生这样的光芒,但一颗大质量恒星死亡后却可以 。
“我的设想是,如果恒星的转速足够快,它的核心将伸展并呈现哑铃状,随后分裂为两个部分,每个部分单独形成一个黑洞 。
当然,也存在费米太空望远镜所检测到的信号是一次假警报的可能 。
因此如果未来的引力波探测也伴随闪光,支持两个黑洞相撞可能来自于一颗大质量恒星消亡的产物,我们将对此拭目以待 。
1.gravitational wave 引力波
例句:What will happen when a gravitational wave was found by my computer?
2.come from 来自
例句:I come from the north.
我是北方人 。
3.black hole 黑洞
例句:Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.
从该星系中心收到的无线电信号证实了黑洞理论 。
4.start with 开始
例句:To work out a plan, one has to start with investigation.
制定计划要从调查研究入手 。