Americans still fall short of the recommended daily portions of fruits and vegetables. And kids are notoriously averse to veggies at the school cafeteria. So researchers tested whether visual cues of healthful foods could increase consumption at a grade school with 800 students.
美国人每日的水果和蔬菜建议摄取量仍然达不到要求 。在学校食堂就餐的孩子们对蔬菜可是出了名的反感 。因此,研究人员做了测试,在一个有800名学生的小学对健康食品采用视觉提示方式,看看能否促进学生们多吃蔬菜 。
First the scientists determined how many kids put carrots and green beans on their trays and how much they ate. Three months later they did the same analysis. But on the second day, the trays had pictures of carrots and green beans in the trays’ compartments.
首先,科学家们确定了有多少孩子在自己的餐盘里放了胡萝卜和青豆,同时确定了他们吃了多少胡萝卜和青豆 。三个月后,科学家做了同样的分析 。但第二天开始,科学家在餐盘上画上胡萝卜和青豆的图片 。
On the day with the photo cues, more than twice as many kids took green beans as on the control day, and more than three times as many kids took carrots. Average consumption per student went up as well. The study was published in The Journal of the American Medical Association.
餐盘画上胡萝卜和青豆之后的一天内,选择食用青豆的孩子增加了两倍多,选择食用胡萝卜的孩子增加了三倍多 。每名学生的平均蔬菜消费量也上升了 。这项研究结果发表在《美国医学协会杂志》( The Journal of the American Medical Association)上 。
The researchers note that the effect needs to be tested elsewhere for longer than two days. And the amount of veggies eaten still didn’t meet government recommendations. But if pictures of burgers can sell meaty meals, maybe fresh fruit and veggie food photos can play a part in the campaign for healthier kids.
研究人员指出,这种方式产生的效果需要在其它地方进行验证,而且测试持续的时间应该在两天以上 。尽管如此,学生们的蔬菜摄取量仍然没有达到政府提出的建议值 。但如果汉堡图片有助于卖出更多的肉类,那么新鲜水果和蔬菜的图片大概也可以对“健康孩子运动”有所裨益吧 。
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