Imagine being able to instantly see what a location you happen to be at looked like 50,75,or 100 years ago.
A team of app developers wants to use today's ubiquitous digital camera culture to make such peering into the past possible.
The app, called Pivot, will match GPS data from your mobile device with geolocation data tags on images in a database.
The system will let you alternate between real-time and archived images of a place with a swipe of your touchscreen.
Two Palestinian-Americans are developing Pivot.
One has a background in public policy and the other in cultural anthropology.
The app will focus on two geographic locations to start:
Historic Palestine and Boston, Mass.
An Israeli nonprofit is helping the project by sharing its database of historic photos.
Pivot's developers plan to roll out a beta version shortly, with a more complete version of the app available by the end of the year.
It's likely that users will receive a push notification to their device when they are near a site that can already be viewed through Pivot.
Assuming all goes as planned it'll be like carrying a time capsule in your pocket.
一款应用程序的研发者们希望利用当今无所不在的数码相机文化让窥探过去成为可能 。
这款名为枢轴的应用能将个人移动设备上的全球定位系统数据与数据库图像中的地理定位数据标记进行匹配 。
只需轻滑屏幕,这款应用就能让你在现实生活与屏幕上存储的图像世界间进行转换 。
枢轴是由2名巴勒斯坦籍美国人研发 。
一人有过公共政策研究背景,另一人则是从事过文化人类学 。
历史上的巴勒斯坦和马萨诸塞州的波士顿 。
一个以色列非营利组织为这个项目提供了数据库中的历史照片 。
枢轴研发者们计划这款应用的测试版很快就将面世,而今年年底会推出更为完整的版本 。
如果附近的地点能被这款应用查看,用户很可能会接收到推送通知 。
如果计划进行顺利,到时候你就好比兜里揣着一个时间胶囊 。
1.want to 想要
例句:What do you want to do?
2.mobile device 移动设备
例句:Follow reasonable corporate mobile device use?
3.focus on 集中在
例句:Another is the focus on long-term fiscal sustainability.
另一个是关注长期财政可持续性 。
4.plan to 打算,计划
例句:Many plan to stomach more risk.
许多人计划承担更多的风险 。