This is Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.
There are now more than 16 million bitcoins in circulation, with a total market cap of 130 billion dollars—more than the market value of Netflix, Priceline or Starbucks. Just going by numbers, bitcoin is the one coin to rule them all.
But if you consider the spectrum of 600 actively traded cryptocoins as a financial ecosystem...you can take an evolutionary approach, and ask: which is the 'fittest' of the coins?
Or, in other words: "Every cryptocurrency, bitcoin, ethereum, there are many...are a different species." Andrea Baronchelli, a network scientist at City, University of London.
He and his team used evolutionary models to approximate the real-world behavior of cryptocurrencies. Each week of currency trading was treated as a new generation of progeny. Reporting their results in the journal Royal Society Open Science, they found that a so-called 'neutral' model of evolution best explained coin behavior...meaning no coin had a selective advantage.
Which implies that: "Investors choose which cryptocurrencies to invest in only proportional to the cryptocurrency's market share, and nothing else. So they are not apparently considering other fundamentals like the underlying technology or the purpose for which a certain cryptocurrency has been designed for. They are just sampling each cryptocurrency proportional to its market share."
And only when investors begin to value coins for a particular attribute—such as their convenience or their intrinsic technological advantages—will the market start to actively pick winners.
Thanks for listening for Scientific American — 60-Second Science Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.
目前在流通的比特币数量超过1600万,总市值达1300亿美元——这比奈飞公司、旅游网站旅游网站和星巴克公司的市值都要高 。只从数量来说,比特币可以统治所有货币 。
或者换句话说,“加密货币、比特币、以太坊等等,很多不同种类的虚拟货币都在流通 。”伦敦大学的网络科学家安德里亚·巴伦凯利说道 。
他和团队使用演化模型来模拟加密货币在真实世界的行为 。每周的货币交易都被视为新一代的产生 。他们将研究结果发表在《英国皇家学会学报·开放科学》期刊上,他们发现,所谓的“中立”演化模型对货币的行为进行了最好的解释,这说明没有货币有选择优势 。
这也暗示着:“投资者选择哪种加密货币进行投资,只与加密货币的市场份额成正比,与其他无关 。所以,显然他们并没有考虑其他基本因素,比如基本技术或某种加密货币的设计目的等 。他们只是对每种加密货币的市场占有率进行抽样 。”
只有当投资者开始重视货币的特定属性——比如货币的便利性或其内在的技术优势——市场才会开始积极地挑选赢家 。
谢谢大家收听科学美国人——60秒科学 。我是克里斯托弗·因塔利亚塔 。
1. in other words 换言之;换句话说;也就是说;
例句:In other words, our habits make us who we are.
换句话说,我们的习惯决定了我们成为什么样的人 。
2. treat as 当做;看成;
例句:Police say they're treating it as a case of attempted murder.
警方称他们正把它当作一起谋杀未遂案件来处理 。
3. invest in 投资;
例句:She wanted to set up her own company to invest in films.
她想成立自己的公司投资电影 。
4. such as (用于举例)例如,像,诸如;
例句:Avoid unhealthy foods such as hamburger and chips.
不要吃不健康食品,如汉堡和薯条 。