Apple's introduction of the iPhone in 2007 kicked off a revolution in personal information sharing.
With each new iPhone improvement it's easier to tell the world where we are, what we're doing and who we're doing it with.
A bit ironic then that Apple is leading the charge to reclaim privacy.
Newer versions of iOS emphasize encryption,to the point where Apple says it won't be able to unlock its customers' phones even if law enforcement orders them to do so.
Some of the latest Android devices likewise offer encryption.
But Apple recently raised the stakes
the company just bought two start-ups whose artificial intelligence technology should give iPhones greater independence from Apple's back-end server farms, aka “the cloud.”
And like on Battlestar Gallactica, if you avoid the network, it's a lot harder for you to get hacked.
The first start-up is called Perceptio.
Its deep-learning software essentially models the human brain's ability to match patterns.
iPhones could then crunch ever-larger amounts of data themselves without calling the cloud for help.
The second start-up, called VocalIQ, makes software that should help Siri better remember its conversations with iPhone users.
Instead of having to go back to the Web with every request, the voice-controlled digital assistant would sometimes be able to dip into its own memory for answers.
That ability might also help Siri sound more natural and put an end to its awkward, prepackaged responses.
而每一代苹果新iPhone的改变都让我们更加便捷的告诉全世界我们身处何方,我们在做些什么及我们在用这款手机同谁交流 。
但具有讽刺意味的是,苹果公司在申请隐私方面也是一马当先 。
新版本的iOS更注重强调用户的个人隐私,即使执法部门下达命令,苹果公司表示也不会解锁用户的手机 。
而最近一些安卓设备也提供加密服务 。
但最近苹果公司又有重磅举措 。
这家运用最近刚收购2家新兴公司的人工智能技术为iPhone的云技术提供更独立的空间 。
就像置身太空堡垒卡拉狄加号上一样,如果你躲避网络纷扰,就会很难遭到黑客袭击 。
第一家公司名为“Perceptio” 。
这家公司研发的深度学习软件能够模拟人类大脑匹配能力从而在智能手机上运行先进的人工智能 。
这样iPhone手机就能够处理更多数据而无需借助云技术的帮助 。
第二家名为VocalIQ的公司制造的软件能够帮助Siri更好的记忆与苹果手机用户的交流信息 。
这样在无需返回每个网络需求指令的前提下声控数字辅助程序有时就能够从内存中寻找答案 。
这种能力也可能使得Siri声音听起来更为自然,其笨拙,预先设置好的响应机制从此或将一去不复返 。
1.kick off 揭开序幕
例句:The shows kick off on October 24th.
演出10月24日开始 。
2.even if 即使
例句:Putrid smelling breath-even if the teeth look perfect-can be a sign of acute necrotising periodontitis.
即使牙齿看上去很完美,呼出腐臭的气味也可能是急性坏死性牙周炎的迹象 。
3.call for 需要
例句:Your plan will call for a lot of money.
你的计划需要许多钱 。
4.dip into 浸入
例句:Regulators will be expected to restrict bonuses and dividends when banks dip into an additional buffer of 2.5 per cent.
一旦银行开始动用一笔额外的、占风险加权资产2.5%的“缓冲”资金,监管者将限制其奖金发放和派息 。