Bejing often suffers choking air. But there's now one more thing proven to dissipate it: an Olympics.
北京经常遭受令人窒息的空气污染 。但事实证明有一件事能驱散它:奥运会 。
The 2008 summer games impelled those in charge of the Chinese capital to clear the air. Not only did they banish smog and smoke, they also inadvertently cut greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 96,000 metric tons during the games. That's according to a new analysis published in Geophysical Research Letters on July 20th.
2008年夏季奥运会驱使首都负责人改善空气质量 。在奥运期间,他们不仅驱散了烟雾,还无意中减少了温室气体的排放,减排量高达9.6万公吨,该数据来源于7月20日发表在《地球物理学研究快报》上的一项新分析 。
The key was banning half of all the private cars in the city from driving on any particular day during the event. The finding suggests that individual choices like whether to drive or take public transit to work have major cumulative effects.
限行是关键,在奥运期间禁止一半的私家车在特定的某天出行 。这一发现表明个人的选择起到主要的累积效应,比如选择驾车还是搭乘公共交通工具上下班 。
London's so-called congestion charge for driving in town likewise cuts traffic and pollution. This year, London is bidding to have the most environmentally friendly Olympics ever.
伦敦所谓的市区驾车拥堵费也同样减轻了交通和污染压力 。今年,伦敦将申办史上最环保的奥运会 。
That includes building new stadiums atop former industrial sites and urging fans to choose public transit, walking or cycling. But the British may not match the Chinese achievement, or even attempt to make the London games carbon neutral. The Olympics that finally achieves zero carbon would really merit a gold, for green.
那包括在前工业基地上兴建新体育馆,呼吁奥运粉丝选择公共交通,步行或者自行车出行 。但或许英国人的成就还是不能跟中国相提并论 。伦敦甚至试图举办无碳奥运 。奥运会如果真能做到无碳,那么的确值得拿到环保金奖 。