These scenes followed marches in Madrid yesterday against the cost of the Pope's visit to tax payers estimated at some 50 million Euros. As night fell, the protests turned violent. Police made dozens of arrests and a series of clashes as they tried to clear the capital central South Square.There are many of the same people who have taken to the streets over austerity measures, but this time, they have a new target for their anger.
。昨日示威者游行矛头直指此次教皇马德里之行,据估计这次到访将耗费大约5000万欧元 。夜幕降临,抗议演变成了暴力事件 。在市中心南广场,示威者与警察不断发生冲突,几十人被捕 。
Pope Benedict will address more than a million catholic pilgrims who flocked to Spain for World Youth Day. Among them, a student from Mexico who was arrested on suspension of planning a gas attack on this anti-Pope demonstration. The visit's proved deeply divisive in the country that is facing harsh cuts in an effort to stabilize its economy.
。其中一位来自莫斯科的学生因谋划用毒气袭击反教皇游行队伍而被捕,占令停学 。教皇到访之际正值西班牙面临经济困境,西班牙政府力求通过大幅消减开支以稳住经济 。
"I am protesting against paying for the Pope's visit with our money. I think there are better things to spend it on. We could use this money to help other causes and it's really not necessary that the Pope comes to visit us."
。我觉得这些钱可以花在更有意义的地方 。我们可以用这些钱来帮助有需要的人,况且教皇也没必要来访问我们 。”
In Madrid, preparations were being finalized too. Two hundred booths have been set up in one of the city's parks for more than 2,000 priests will hear confessions from pilgrims in a variety of languages. Some two thirds of those attending are expected to be Spanish. They will be keened that these scenes don't set the tone for the visit.
Steve Carroll, Sky News.