美国原汁原味访谈录:Star Jones 的减肥秘诀
日期:2008-08-22 10:42


Now as co-host of the ABC's "The View", Star Jones has made quite a reputation for herself. Tonight she tells 20/20 about how she found God and lost weight. ABC's Lynn Sherr joins us with the preview. Ur, Lynn, were you interested in, in what you heard from her?

Well, I was interested, and guess what, Laura, lots of folks out there were interested, a lot of people've called me said they really can't wait to see this interview. Ur, Star does get people's attention. And, I must tell you, um, it really all began, of course, with her mom,who back in North Carolina, christened the little girl, Starlet, little wonder she grew into that name.

I just wanna to be the diva. I did, I admitted I wanted to be the diva.

Even as a kid, Star Jones knew how to irritate her peers.

I was popular, well-known but annoying.

As a co-host of "The View", she's become the woman many fans love to hate.

Now I am a lawyer, and what this means is that there were 50 planes, and now there are 100 planes, and that's almost twice as mini-planes.

I know....

In her new book, Shine, she says that at 43 she's connected with God, found love and lost weight. She had to lose weight.

Let me be blunt. How fat were you ?

300 pounds.

And how tall are you?

5'5. Yeah, go ahead to say it, you were fat. I went from full-figured to fat, to obese, to morbidly obese. I was killing myself.

Wow, she looks amazing now.

She does, um, she looks great now, those beautiful eyes and um,she is sticking to it. Um,she is an interesting woman, the problem is that if you really wanna know how Star Jones lost all that weight, you are not gonna find out by reading her book, she wasn't saying in the book and she doesn't tell us, yeah.

That's interesting. Well, 'cause Lynn, I am sorry,what I meant to say was not are you interested in, of course you are interested in, and we all are interested in what she has to say. Were you surprised by anything that she said?

Well,I was not surpriesd that she would not tell me exactly how she lost the weight. You know, there have been rumors. We have no idea if it is true,that she had the gastric bypass surgery, the same one Al Roker and Carnie Wilson had, that they have publicly credited it with losing so much weight themselves. Um, Star says that she dosen't want to be the poster child for anyone who wants to lose weight to use this as a certain method of doing it. So she won't , so that didn't surprise me.


Um,we also talked about that other burning issue on so many people's mind. You know there've been some questions about her relationship with her husband. Ur, there've been rumors in the Gossip collums and she says all those rumors are silly. She and Al have a great relationship and everything is just peachy.

Well, it should be very interesting to see. Looking forward to it , Lynn, and you can all catch Lynn's complete interview on 20/20 tonight at 10, 9 central time. Thank you so much, Lynn, for being with us,we do appreciate it.

  • reputationn. 声誉,好名声
  • surgeryn. 外科,外科手术,诊所
  • gossipn. 流言蜚语,闲话,爱说长道短的人 vi. 散播(流言
  • bypassvt. 绕开,忽视 n. 支路,旁道
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • postern. 海报,装饰画
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • previewn. 预审,查阅,预习,预告 vt. 事先查看,查阅,预
  • appreciatevt. 欣赏,感激,赏识 vt. 领会,充分意识 vi.