The trial chamber unanimously finds you guilty...
After five years, 115 witnesses and 50,000 pages of gruesome testimony, the trial reached its conclusion, finding Charles Taylor guilty of aiding and abetting war crimes in Sierra Leone.
5年后,115名证人和5万页指控其罄竹难书罪行的证词,终于让特别法庭做出了裁决,宣判利比里亚前总统查尔斯·泰勒因资助邻国塞拉利昂内战中的反政府武装,犯有战争罪与反人类罪 。
The 64-year-old former president blinked rapidly as the verdicts were delivered, but throughout the process, he betrayed little emotion, occasionly making notes, appearing board as the judge summed up the case against him.
法庭做出这样的判决后,这位64岁的前总统很快得眨了眨眼 。然而在整个审判过程中,他表现出极少的情感,只是偶尔做一下笔记,在法官概述案情时出庭 。
Taylor was a warlord in neighbouring Liberia when the civil conflicts began in Sierra Leone.
在塞拉利昂爆发内战时,泰勒是邻国利比亚的最高军事统帅 。
When he became president in 1997, he funded weapons and support to the rebel soldiers known as the Revolutionary United Front in exchange for diamands.
泰勒在1997年当上总统,他通过向塞拉利昂反政府武装“革命联合阵线”提供武器换取血钻 。
The RUF employed babaric methods: raping, child enslavement, maiming enemies with machetes. The court had graphic examples of that brutality.
“革命联合阵线”在战争期间强奸妇女,招募未成年人入伍,用砍刀致残俘虏 。法院有照片证实这种暴行 。
Charles Taylor's defense team acknowledged the crimes had been committed over the border, but said the crimes had nothing to do with him.
查尔斯·泰勒的辩护团队知道他在边境的所作所为,但还矢口否认他所犯下的罪行 。
So the prosecution had to establish he had received the so-called blood diamands as payment for his support. They called witnesses including the Hollywood actress Mia Farrow and reluctant Naomi Campbell, who testified she'd been given gems by Taylor at a banquet hosted by Nelson Mandela.
所以起诉方须证实泰勒收取了提供武器所得的报酬,即所谓的血钻 。起诉方声称证人包括好莱坞女演员米亚·法罗和不愿意卷入此事的巴西超模娜欧米·康贝尔,后者在证词中说她在南非前总统纳尔逊·德拉举办的宴会上接收了泰勒赠送的珠宝 。
When I was sleeping, I heard a knock at my door, and I opened my door, and two men were there and gave me a pouch and said a gift for you.
当时我正在睡觉,听到有人在敲门,于是我把门打开,看见两个男人站在门口,然后他们给了我一个袋子,说是送我的礼物 。
Taylor becomes the first former head of state to be successfully linked to war crimes at an international court since the Nuremburg trials, and sets undeniable precedents.
泰勒是自纽伦堡审判(二战结束时德国纳粹战犯接受的国际法庭审判)以来,首位前国家元首被国际法庭宣判犯有战争罪,开创了不容置疑的先例 。
There were always unique facts in any prosecution, but in a broader sense, of course, it did set a precedent, because this is the first case where the accused was indicted while he was the president of a country. That has actually come to judgement.
任何起诉案件都有其独特之处,但是从广义来讲,它确实开辟了一个先例,因为这个案件的被告是在担任一个国家总统职位时受到指控 。
Taylor will return to the court on the 16 of May as part of the sentencing process. The judges will then decide how long they believe he should spend behind bars, before making that announcement a fortnight later.
依照审判程序,泰勒3于月16号再次出庭 。法官会决定把他严禁在监牢里多长时间,之后的两个星期会宣布判决 。
If his appeal is un successful, he will serve his sentence in a UK jail. Britain was the colonial power of Sierra Leone and offered to imprison him if the Netherlands hosted the trial.
如果上诉失败,泰勒将被送往英国的一个监狱服刑 。塞拉利昂曾是英国的殖民地,英国表示愿意提供监狱,前提是在荷兰进行审判 。
Charles Taylor's conviction is a reminder of a turbulent and violent decade in West Africa as the world flexes the legal muscle to punish those who bankrolled such monster crimes.
查尔斯·泰勒被定罪让人们回忆起西非动荡混乱的十年内战 。国际社会也在惩罚资助这种可怕战争的罪行上大显其手 。