A modest first step in the right direction. The words of the US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton announcing North Korea's freeze of summit its nuclear activities. The move comes just two months after the death of long-time leader Kim Jong Il and a handover part his son Kim Jong-un. Some observers hope it signals a softening of Pyongyang stanks,but Mrs. Clinton isn't so sure.
。美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿宣布朝鲜暂停核试验时如是说道 。这次粮食援助行动发生于朝鲜长期领导人金正日逝世,其子金正恩继位两个月后 。一些观察家希望此举传达了缓和平壤危机的信号,对此克林顿女士也模棱两可 。"Now,United States,I will be quick to add,still has profound concerns. But on the ocassion of Kim Jong Il's death,I said that it is our hope that the new leadership will choose to guide their nation onto the path of peace by living up to its obligations. Today's announcement represents a modest first step in the right direction. We,of course,will be watching closely and judging North Korea's new leaders by their actions."
。但是在金正日逝世之际,我希望新一任领导人能履行责任,带领朝鲜走入和平的正轨上 。今日的声明意味的是沿正确的方向跨越了最谦逊的一步 。当然我们会密切关注和判断朝鲜新一任领导人的一举一动 。”This could of course be peer pragmatism on North Korea's part. Last year,the United Nation's warn that the country's facing its worst food shortage in the decade with millions of people at risk. It suffered persistent famines since the 1990s. America's 240,000 tons of food aid will go some way towards helping the state seemingly unable to feed its people. And Pyongyang's nuclear freeze could also lead to the restarting of disarmed negotiations with among others-South Korea,the US and Russia,which were abandoned in 2009. So perhaps this is more than just a modest first step.
March 4th Sky News