This is Homes just hours before the latest deadline for a ceasefire, and already shattered neighborhood is still being pounded by government forces.
这是最后停火期限前的人口聚居区,早已支离破碎的社区仍然遭受着政府军队的打击 。
The Syrian regime has pledged again to hold this, but the shells are still falling and there is little evidence that any troops have been withdrawn.
叙利亚军队再次承诺会履行停火协定,但是炮火仍在继续,没有一丁点儿撤离的迹象 。
Government tanks are still riding in the heart of Homes and still on the attacks.
叙利亚政府的坦克仍骑踞在人口聚居区的中心,攻击仍在持续 。
But Kofi Annan in Iran for talks with Syria's key ally who's refusing to give up on his peace plan yet.
但是为缓解局面,联合国阿盟叙利亚问题特使安南赴伊朗与叙利亚政府进行和谈,这位头号盟友目前还未放弃和平计划 。
It's extremely important that we find a way to end the violence and the killing that is going on today in Syria.
叙利亚内部暴乱冲突和伤亡事件仍在不断上演,现在当务之急是寻求解决的办法 。
We need to find a way to get humanitarian necessity to the needy as quickly as possible and then get the parties to the table for discussions.
我们要想办法尽快把人道主义救援物资发给难民,想办法促使各党派参加和谈 。
The Syrian government claims it has pulled back from some areas, but even around the capital Damascus out in the suburbs, videos filmed by activists appear to show troop reinforcement being sent in.
叙利亚政府声称已经从一些地区撤军 。但是在首都大马士革周边的城区还是会看到激进分子拍摄的派遣援军的视频 。
There are also reports of raids and arrests across the country.
也会看到全国各地关于空袭和逮捕的报道 。
We are relying on the goodwill of regime to cooperate, and allow a return to peaceful demonstrations, and deal with the demands of the people with other means than simply criminal repression of it.
我们希望武装团体有诚意合作,允许再出现和平示威活动,并采用非暴力镇压手段对待民众的要求 。
Defiant from the Syrian regime has become all too familiar, but the UN Security Council may still be too divided to come up with an alternative plan.
叙利亚武装政团对抗的态度早已被各界熟知,但是联合国安理会内部意见存在分歧,无法提出第二种可行的计划 。