Neil White and Diane English have been living in African adventure.
英国夫妇Neil White和Diane最近在非洲陷入了困境 。
They toured the West of the continent settling in Timbuktu, but it wasn't all together that kind of destination they had imagined.
他们在马里西部旅行,住宿在廷巴克图,然而这里肯定不是他们想象的旅行圣地 。
Rebels known as the Tuareg have been fighting a separatist uprising in the North of the country.
图阿雷格武装反叛分子在国家北部持续发动袭击 。
But at the weekend, Islamists allied to AL-Qaeda over round Timbuktu, forcing the couple from Wales to flee more than a thousand miles overland to neighbouring Mauritania.
而且这周,恐怖团体伊斯兰马格里布基地组织出现在该地区,迫使这对威尔士夫妇跋涉了1000多英里,来到马里邻国毛里塔尼亚境内避难 。
They've basically tried to leave Timbuktu to Mauritania early that morning at the heart of Timbuktu where they called up a gunfire.
那天早晨,他们听到从廷巴克图市中心传来枪战声,于是他们试图离开廷巴克图前往毛里塔尼 。
And they are returened to their housing Timbuktu, it's basically just hold up.
他们返回到在廷巴克图的住所,发现住所已经被关闭了 。
We knew that they are the head of the state, and in fact we're just hours spare incredibly lucky to get out, that their life would have been in serious danger as Whitehead's and in particular as Britain's.
我们知道国家的领导会解救我们,事实上我们能逃出来很幸运,再晚几个小时的话就会有生命危险 。
This is the guest house, the couple have been running on the edge of the Sahara desert. The manager told us people in Timbuktu are now living in fear.
这就是他们住的招待所,那对夫妇一直延着撒哈拉沙漠边境逃跑 。招待所经理告诉我们,现在马里人民天天生活在恐慌之中 。
"I don't know if AL-Qaeda are outside,but I'm too scared to go out. I'm staying in my house. The hotel's empty now,no one is here,it's closed."
“我不知道这里有没有基地组织,我很害怕,不敢出门 。我会一直呆在家里 。现在酒店空荡荡的,没有人来住宿,所以就关闭了 。”
Young soldiers tired of the governments inability to deal with the Northern rebels launched a military kill in Mali's capital Bamako a few weeks ago.
几个星期前,底层士兵因不满政府无力处理北部叛乱,在马里首都发动了武装政变 。
Ironically,it appears that same rebel group may have helped the British couple escape from troubled Mali. Now in Gulf,in some of the worst instability,the country has seen in decades.
讽刺的是,一些反叛分子似乎帮助了英国夫妇逃离骚乱的马里 。现在目前最不稳定的海湾国家里,这个国家未来该何去何从 。