Millions of people in five countries across the Horn of Africa are gripped by severe drought and have been for months. But now in one of those countries, Somalia, the UN says that the situation is so bad in some areas, there is famine for the first time in 20 years.
。据联合国消息,在其中一个国家索马里旱情极为严重,该地区20年以来第一次遭受到饥荒的威胁 。"The state of famine exists in parts of Bakool and Lower Shabelle, regions of southern Somalia. The rest of southern Somalia is close to famine. In some parts of Somalia, malnutrition rates have reached extraordinarily high levels of 50% for children under five."
。在索马里的部分地区,5岁以下儿童的营养不良率高峰时达到50% 。”The UN has officially declared two parts of Somalia to be in famine and made the worst drought in east Africa for 60 years. The areas are most affected in the south of Somalia where estimated 310,000 people are acutely malnourished. More than 166,000 Somalis have fled the country since the start of the year. This aerial photographs from NASA showed how the Sahara Desert is pushing further south into Africa and the dust clouds swirling over the area all add to the drying up of thousands of square miles of land on which millions of people are trying to eke out of their lives.
。据估计,在索马里南部受灾最为严重的地区有31万人极度营养不良 。自今年初,有超过166,000名难民逃离索马里 。美国国家航空总署高空拍摄的照片显示,撒哈拉沙漠正在进一步南移,扩大至非洲,涡旋在非洲上空的沙尘云会加剧这场干旱 。在这片上千平方英里的土地上,上百万人口在挣扎着勉强维持生计 。For weeks, there has been a mass migration of people from the worst affected areas, particularly in Somalia, to the vast and overflowing refugee camp at Dadaab in northern Kenya. The International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell was there last weekend and says, "doing nothing is not an option".
。国际发展委员会秘书安德鲁·米切尔上星期在这里视察时说道“这样下去绝不是办法 。”"Unless the international community now puts its shoulder to the wheel and significantly reinforces the effort which Britain has led so far, then I fear that many very young children will die as a result of this."
。”Somalia is being hamstrung by internal strife for decades with the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Shebaab group making the security situation too precarious for many aid organizations to function properly.