This was supposed to be the moment Mitt Romney finally convinced his own party that he was the president in waiting.
罗姆尼要成功说服共和党他是总统候选人,成败可能就在这一刻 。
But he has the air of a man who believes he will win this race, more and more Republicans don't.
他充满自信,相信自己会赢得这次预选,而其它共和党人都不是对手 。
It was a far from Super Tuesday winning where he was expected for only just in a state he couldn't afford to lose--Ohio.
用超级星期二来定义这一刻远远不够 。全国只有俄亥俄州,他输不起,所以他很看重这个州的选票 。
The prepared victory speech delivered before the result was in, sound in hollows.
选举结果出来后,胜利的演讲稿也准备好了 。他用低沉的声音致辞道:
"Tonight, we are doing some counting. We are counting up the delegates from that convention that looks good.
“今夜举足轻重,发展形势好的代表人数越来越多 。
And we are counting down the days until November and that looks even better.
现在我们正朝着十一月大选开始倒计时,到时候形势会更好 。
We are gonna take your vote a huge vote tonight in Massachusetts and take that victory all the way to the White House."
今夜在马塞诸塞州,你们的选票举足轻重 。这次胜利会成就了我,会帮我在选举的道路上走得更远 。”
All Romney's money and organization can't shake off Rick Santorum.
罗姆尼与桑托勒姆势均力敌 。他所募集的选举基金,以及他的选举团队都不足以助他甩掉对手 。
It's state after state, the former sanetor again showed the Republican hardlines want something other than Romney.
一州接着一州,这位前参议员再次表明,共和党目的在于成为执政党,他们不会把所有希望都寄托在罗姆尼身上 。
"We have won in the west, the midwest and the south and we are ready to win across this country."
“我们已经赢得西部,中西部和南部,我们取得全国性的胜利也志在必得 。
While Santorum wants Newt Gingrich to drop out of the race, he wants his homestate of Georgia struggling for attention.
桑托勒姆想要金里奇退出竞选,而金里奇却以赢得他的家乡佐治亚州引起注意 。
"And now with Santorum, and you just can't quick get across him. It's all right.
"桑托勒姆是你的劲敌,不能很快地拿下他是情理之中的事 。
There are lots bunny rabbits that run through, I'm the tortoise so I just take one step at a time. "
很多代表就像那速度飞快的小兔子,赛跑之初大显起手,而我就是那乌龟,坚持不懈,一步一个脚印 。”
With Ohio, the big Cohona.
赢得俄亥俄,这至关重要的一州 。
It leads the country to reflect on where the Republican Party stands and how long this race will run.
这会引起全民对共和党所持立场的反思,会影响选举的时长 。
"Dramatic race could keep going for a while."
“民主党的选举可以短时间完成 。”
Perhaps the big winner of the night was the man whose job they want.
也许大选那晚最大的赢家就是现任总统奥巴马 。
While Republicans continue to attack each other, they can't fully focus on Barack Obama.
因为共和党人还在持续互相竞争,所以他们不能把全部精力放在奥巴马身上 。
He begins a three-day swing through three states today to sell his message.
今天他开始在三个州连续来回进行竞选,为时三天,以传达他的理念 。
Mitt Romney remains the favourite to face in November, but it is more evidence than ever that it will be a scrap to the finish line.
面对十一月大选,罗姆尼优势虽然明显,但未来数月内,缠斗之势不会终结 。