Clashes on the streets of London as British parliamentarians debate increasing student fees.
英国议会下院于表决通过大幅提高大学学费计划,伦敦街头再现冲突 。
Demostrators angry a plan to raise the amount of students pay for their university education confront authorities.
示威者对大幅提高大学学费计划十分愤怒,与政府对抗 。
Mounted police then try to break up the crowd in chaotic scenes.
骑警队试图在混乱中驱散人群 。
Police say they arrested seven people.
他们承认逮捕了7名学生 。
"No, don't stand there. Out of way."
“这里不许站人,闪开 。”
At least three police officers were injured and later taken to the hospital.
至少有3名警官受伤被送往医院 。
Then came the vote.
之后投票表决开始了 。
"Order. Order."
"The eyes to the right 323, the noes to the left 302."
“323票赞同,302票反对 。”
The new plan raising concerns will allow English universities to charge student fees of up to 9,000 pounds or about 14,000 dollars, almost triple the current limit.
这项新计划引起广泛关注,意味着英格兰大学本科学费上限将升至9000英镑或14000英镑左右,上涨达三倍之多 。
The government has made cutting a record peace time budget deficit its priority, and government departments have to reduce spending by some 19% over the next four years.
政府把降低和平时期财政预算赤字记录视为优先考虑的事 。并且在未来四年政府各部门必须削减19%的开支 。
Analysts say the vote is the biggest challenge faced by Britain coalition government during its seven months in office.
分析学家把这次投票表决看作是联合政府组建7个月以来面临的最大考验 。
Some fear the clashes could herald further unrest as austerity measures bite.
也有人担心这次冲突只是开始,当削减开支方案生效后,会有更多人因生事被逮捕 。
Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters.
Deborah Lutterbeck,路透社 。