Well, a life saving corpora, seven-year-old boy in Brooklyn, his mom was having a seizure but he knew exactly what to do. He called 911 to get help and calmly helped guide emergency crews to his house. Eyewitness reporter Stacey Sager has this story.
Let's give him a round of applause. The city's fire department today giving Drew Champagnie far more than a round of applause. They made the seven-year-old hero a Junior EMT at a special ceremony after he made the 911 call yesterday here in Brooklyn and saved his mother's life. And it wasn't easy.
"She's still shaking..."
"OK, hold on, honey, hold on..."
Drew's mom was having a seizure, but still, he tried to keep calm.
"Is it Apartment 2?"
"Apartment 2."
"Apartment 2, OK."
Having the composure to remember all the important information and then sum. Drew's home phone number, his address,his school, his father's cellphone number, he had it all, unlike most of us.
And even though Drew is a soft spoken third grader and only four feet tall, his character speaks volume in his calls, he still wants to go to school.
"...well who's going to take me to school?"
"Let's help mommy first, and then we will find someone to take you to school, OK?"
The focus on the other end of the phone couldn't have been more impressed as they hanging there with him.
"Come here as fast as you can, OK?"
"OK, no problem, sweetie, there's an ambulance that's on its way, OK? I'm going to stay on the phone with you, OK?"
My hair stand up cause I'm just then shocked. He's just awesome.
...and protective according to his mother who's still recovering today.
"He told me this morning, don't do anything, relax."
The fire commissioner says all of us can learn something from Drew: valuable information to review with our own children in case of an emergency.
Meanwhile, today, he repeated his new oath of office: "I promise to be the best junior EMT that I can be."
Something telling all of us he already has.
In downtown Brooklyn, I'm Stacey Sager, channel 7, Eyewitness news.