临场应变技巧 Techniques for On-the-Spot Response
最优秀的译员在现场口译中也难免出错。一旦认识到自己译错,不要惊慌,也不要说“对不起,我译错了”或者I’m sorry. I made a mistake. 这样不仅会让听众产生理解混乱,还会损害译员和译文的可信度。这时不妨重译,并且对正确的译文采取重音重复的办法,就象平时说话要强调某事一样。或者以解释的语气和方式,用I mean,或“就是说”、“确切地说”引出正确的译文。
词汇扩展 Vocabulary Development
全面建设小康社会to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects
全国财政收入total government revenue
城镇居民人均可支配收入urban per capita disposable income
农民人均纯收入rural per capita net income
载人航天飞行manned spaceflight
综合国力overall national strength
扩大内需to expand domestic demand
积极的财政政策a proactive fiscal policy
稳健的货币政策a prudent monetary policy
减免税费to reduce or exempt taxes and administrative charges
贴息贷款to grant soft loans
整顿和规范土地市场秩序to rectify and standardize the order of the land market
全面清理各类开发区to screen development zones of all types
存款准备金率deposit-reserve ratio
适度微调to do an appropriate amount of fine-tuning
区别对待to deal with problems individually
西气东输to transmit natural gas from the west to the east
西电东送to transmit electricity from the west to the east
南水北调工程the south-to-north water diversion project
西部大开发large-scale development of the western region
东北地区等老工业基地振兴战略the strategy to revitalize northeast China and other old industrial bases
统筹兼顾an overall consideration of all issues
国债treasury bonds
危房改造to renovate dangerous buildings
国土资源管理land and resources administration
拖欠农民工工资wage arrears for migrant rural workers
出口退税机制the mechanism for export tax rebates
反倾销调查anti-dumping investigations
进出口商品结构the import and export mix
收容遣送工作handling of indigent migrants
城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员vagrants and beggars with no means of support in cities
社会治安综合治理to maintain law and order by taking comprehensive measures
超期羁押detention beyond the legally prescribed time limits
盲目投资haphazard investment
低水平重复建设low-level, redundant construction
主观主义、形式主义和官僚主义作风a subjective, formalistic and bureaucratic style of work
增强忧患意识和历史责任感to become more aware of potential problems and enhance our sense of historical responsibility
知难而进to forge ahead in spite of difficulties
精神状态mental outlook
科学发展观the scientific viewpoint of development
中央预算内经常性建设投资the investment from the central budget for regular construction
财政赤字规模the size of the deficit
产业结构优化升级to upgrade the industrial structure
装备制造业the equipment manufacturing industry
建设资源节约型社会to build a conservation-minded society
购买力purchasing power
即期消费immediate consumption
特色经济economies with local characteristics
优势产业 competitive industries
资源型经济the resource-based economies
采煤沉陷区sinking land and cave-ins above exhausted mines
重要商品粮基地key areas for commercial grain production
革命老区old revolutionary base areas
“扫黄”“打非” to fight unremittingly against pornographic and illegal publications
国有资产管理体制the state asset management system
股份制the shareholding system
集体经济the collective economy
非公有制经济the non-public sector of the economy
市场准入market access
假冒伪劣产品counterfeit and shoddy goods
非法传销pyramid schemes
商业欺诈commercial fraud
盗版侵权行为piracy and patent infringement
洗钱money laundering
市场多元化战略the strategy of market diversification
“五个统筹”the "five balanced aspects" (balancing urban and rural development, balancing development among regions, balancing economic and social development, balancing development of man and nature, and balancing domestic development and opening wider to the outside world)
群众对上学难、看病难等问题反映比较强烈。People have strong complaints about the cost and availability of schooling and medical treatment.
退耕还林、退牧还草、天然林保护、风沙源和石漠化治理to return farmland to forests and animal breeding grounds to pastures, protect natural forests, bring sources of sandstorms under effective control and prevent karst areas from becoming stony deserts
口译课文 Text for Interpretation
The irresistible lure of China as a global production base will receive another boost from the removal of more trade barriers following the country's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO).1 While low production costs has long been the main advantage of setting up global-scale manufacturing plants in China, the benefits have been curtailed by trade barriers and frequent conflicts among trading partners.
This sort of friction should be subdued under WTO surveillance, boosting trade flows between China and the rest of the world. China's share of the global market has constantly risen in the past two decades, irrespective of the state of the global economy, reflecting the country's competitive edge in production.