人事部CATTI二级口译课程培训(MP3+讲义) 第14讲
日期:2014-07-20 09:59




口译课文 Text for Interpretation

The Hong Kong SAR Government today signed an agreement to participate in the Government Security Program (GSP), a global initiative from Microsoft that provides national governments with controlled access to Microsoft Windows source code and other technical information they need to be confident in the enhanced security features of the Windows platform.1 The GSP is one integral element in Microsoft's efforts to address the unique security requirements of governments and international organizations throughout the world.2//

"We consider the facilities offered under the GSP are of great value to the Hong Kong SAR Government," said Mr. Alan Wong, Director of Information Technology Services, HKSAR Government. "Through better understanding of the internal design and coding of the Microsoft Windows products, the Government should be able to enhance its technology and support capability on the use of Microsoft products." //

"At Microsoft, we are pleased to partner with the Hong Kong SAR Government to create a Trustworthy Computing environment to protect its information assets," said Alexander Huang, regional director, Greater China region, Microsoft Corporation. "The GSP program is designed to provide Governments with a clear, transparent method to assess the security and integrity of the Microsoft products they deploy. //

This is an important need that our Government customers have expressed, and we have responded. In addition to source code access, we will provide technical documentation, methods for troubleshooting, access to cryptographic tools subject to export controls, and access to Microsoft expert and supporting technicians who can collaborate with Governments on how they use this source code access.”3 //

While some Microsoft source-licensing programs are available to everyone, the Government Security Program is tailored to the specialized security requirements of governments. The GSP is a no-fee initiative that provides program participants the ability to review Windows source code using a code review tool and subject to certain license restrictions.4 In addition to source access, the GSP provides for the disclosure of technical information about the Windows platform, 5enhancing governments' ability to build and deploy computing infrastructures with strong security technologies in place. //

The program also promotes increased communication and collaboration between Microsoft security professionals and program participants, providing opportunities to visit Microsoft development facilities in Redmond and review various aspects of Windows source-code development, testing and deployment processes; discuss existing and potential projects with Microsoft security experts; and generally interact with and provide feedback directly to Microsoft staff. //

The Government Security Program is a crucial element of Microsoft's efforts to address the unique requirements of governments around the world. In 2001, Microsoft launched the Shared Source Initiative, expanding its long-standing efforts to make Windows source code more transparent to trusted partners and customers. In 2002, the company announced its Trustworthy Computing initiative, placing security at the core of all Windows development efforts. //

The Government Security Program also supports and builds on the Common Criteria (CC) certification. Windows 2000 achieved CC certification - a globally accepted, independent standard for evaluating the security features and capabilities of information technology products - last October for the broadest set of real-world scenarios yet achieved by any operating system as defined by the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CCITSE).6 //

英汉口译 English-Chinese Interpretation

香港特区政府今天签署一项协定, 加入微软公司的政府安全计划源代码协议(Government Security Program,GSP)。政府安全计划源代码协议是一项全球性的计划,通过该计划,政府机关以可控的方式查阅微软Windows的源代码以及相关技术信息,从而增强他们对Windows平台安全性的信心。微软一直致力于满 足全球政府及国际性机构独特的安全需要,而政府安全计划源代码协议正是其中的重要一环。//

香港特区政府资讯科技署署长黄志光表示:“我们认为政府安全计划源代码协议所提供的内容对特区政府极具价值。通过更好地了解微软Windows产品的内部设计及源代码,特区政府在使用微软产品时,能够提供更好的技术支持。” //



微软已将其部分源代码授权计划向公众开放,而政府安全计划源代码协议则是针对政府特殊的 安全需要度身设计的。政府安全源代码计划是一个免费的计划。计划的参与者在某些许可限制下,可以使用一 项代码检视工具查看Windows源代码。除了源代码的存取权外,政府安全计划源代码协议还规定微软公司要向各国政府披露关于Windows平台技术信息,以增强其建立和部署具备强大安全技术的运算基础架构的能力。//


微软致力于满足全球政府的独特需要,而政府安全计划源代码协议是其中的重要一环。在2001年,微软推出共享源代码计划(Shared Source Initiative),旨在继续提高Windows源代码在其合作伙伴和客户眼中的透明度。在2002年,该公司推行高信度运算计划(Trustworthy Computing Initiative),将安全置于所有Windows开发工作的首位。//

政府安全计划源代码协议还支持通用准则(Common Criteria)认证,并且是在该认证的基础上建立起来的。该通用准则认证是全球公认的独立评估标准,用来评估信息技术产品的安全功能和能力。//


口译讲评 Comments on Interpretation

1 “The Hong Kong SAR Government today signed an agreement to participate in the Government Security Program (GSP), a global initiative from Microsoft® that provides national governments with controlled access to Microsoft Windows® source code and other technical information they need to be confident in the enhanced security features of the Windows platform.”该句是一个复杂的同位语从句。翻译的时候通常可将主从句分开,将从句单译成一个判断句。本例中, “provides national governments with controlled access to Microsoft Windows source code ”并没有机械地被译成:“给各国政府提供 ”而是作了巧妙的调整,使主谓短语中的宾语“各国政府”直接作为一句的主语以承接下面“各国政府”作为主动者做出的某些行为。在口译的时候,经验告诉 我们,汉语译文的句子最好结构清晰、完整,宜短不宜长,平实的主谓结构永远是首选。这符合汉语的表达习 惯,有助于听众对信息的迅速接受和理解。另外,译员在口译时一定不要陷入某种固定句型或词组的“固定”译法之中,这样不仅使译文听起来不地道,还会因“只见树木,不见森林”而影响译员对信息的综合分析 和全面理解。在口译中,译员应该按照汉语的表达习惯和特点,灵活多变地组织汉语句型,以达到比较好的交 流效果。其实,在翻译实践中,好多译员都会有这样的体会,对他们来讲,最大的问题是句型而不是词汇。该 句最后被译成:“香港特区政府今天签署一项协定,加入微软的政府安全计划源代码协议(Government Security Program,GSP)。政府安全计划源代码协议是一项全球性的计划,通过该计划,政府机关以可控的方式查阅Microsoft Windows的源代码以及相关技术信息,从而增强他们对Windows平台安全性的信心。”

2 “The GSP is one integral element in Microsoft's efforts to address the unique security requirements of governments and international organizations throughout the world.”此句在汉译过程中语序发生了较大变动。除此之外,为了使译文听起来通顺,译员往 往会采取“加词”的做法,以起到承接的作用。但加词要恰当,即以必要为限度,否则会过犹不及。很多时 候,“加词”是自然而然的表达需要,并不是刻意追求的结果。本句建议译成:“微软一直致力于满足全球政 府及国际性机构独特的安全需要,而政府安全计划源代码协议正是其中的重要一环。”本文中的另一 句:“The Government Security Program is a crucial element of Microsoft's efforts to address the unique requirements of governments aroundthe world.”采用相同译法,译成:“ 微软致力于满足全球政府的独特需要,而政府安全计划源代码协议是其中的重要一环。

3 在对某人的讲话做引用时,英汉两种语言的表达习惯差别很大。英语中的“某人说”有多种不 同的表达形式,可以被放在引语的前、中、后等多个位置。所以,英文表达中,一整句引语经常被切成几个部 分。而汉语则倾向于将所有引语直接引在“某人说”之后。在英译汉时,完全可以以不变应万变,将复杂多变 的英语引语译成汉语中“某人说+全部内容”的形式,见文中第二段和第三段引语的翻译。

4 “The GSP is a no-fee initiative that provides program participants the ability to review Windows source code using a code review tool and subject to certain license restrictions.”该句虽然不长,可翻译起来困难不小。一方面,译文决不能按源语的顺序走;另一方面,英语中后缀限制成分始终是英译汉中比较棘手的问题。所以在翻译时,“provide...”没有明确译出,而是根据意思作了调整;最后的修饰限制成分按照汉语的习惯以状语的形式放在第二句句首译出。本句建议译成:“政府安全源代码计划是一个免费的计划。该计划的参与者在某些使用许可的限制下,可以使用一项代码检视工具查看Windows源代码。”

5 在翻译过程中,有时译者主动在译文中增加某些原文中没有的成分以对原文起到解释、澄清的 作用,旨在避免歧义、方便听众的理解。当然这种主动的添加要视译文需要而定,而且一定要以译者准确理解 原文为前提,否则会弄巧成拙。本文中这种增加必要成分的例子很多,例如将“ the GSP provides for the disclosure of technical information about the Windows platform, ”译成:“政府安全计划源代码协议还规定微软要向各国政府披露关于Windows平台技术信息,”;将“providing opportunities to visit Microsoft development facilities in Redmond ”译成:“为计划参与者提供机会参观微软在雷德蒙的开发设施,”等。

6 “Windows 2000 achieved CC certification - a globally accepted, independent standard for evaluating the security features and capabilities of information technology products - last October for the broadest set of real-world scenarios yet achieved by any operating system as defined by the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CCITSE).”这句话逻辑关系复杂,插入成分较长,修饰限制成分颇多。这是有讲稿发言的一大特点,也是 译者在无讲稿翻译时最头痛的地方。译者在最初接受信息的过程中就可能会因句子结构复杂而出现听辨混乱, 更不用说理解和翻译了。所以,建议译员在接受信息时要尽量放松心情、集中精力去听发言者的意图,而不要 被句型表面的复杂所吓倒。边听边快速地整理讲话的意思,清晰地理出这句话的主旨和语义层次,然后按照自 己的理解将几个意思分别译成目的语即可,而完全不必拘泥于源语复杂的句子结构而纠缠不清。例如在听到本 句后,译员可作如下分析:本句话主要讲了三层意思,(1)Windows2000获得通用准则认证;(2) 通用准则认证的情况介绍;(3)Windows2000通过获得通用准则认证得到了某方面质量上的认可。然后将这三层意思做逻辑上的排序。最后,完全抛开源语复杂的句子结构,译成:“该通用准则认证是全球公认的独立评估标准,用来评 估信息技术产品的安全功能和能力。Windows2000于去年十月获得该通用准则的认证。这意味着在迄今为止所有达到信息技术安全评估(CCITSE)标准的操作系统之中,Windows2000在真实环境下具有最广泛的适用范围。”

  • evaluationn. 估价,评价
  • assessv. 估定,评定
  • initiativeadj. 创始的,初步的,自发的 n. 第一步,首创精神
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • partnern. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人 v. 同 ... 合作,做 .
  • coden. 码,密码,法规,准则 vt. 把 ... 编码,制
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • potentialadj. 可能的,潜在的 n. 潜力,潜能 n. 电位,
  • addressn. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧 vt.
  • uniqueadj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的