人事部CATTI二级口译课程培训(MP3+讲义) 第26讲
日期:2014-08-01 10:13




The Kyoto Protocol was an historic step toward the protection of the earth's climate system. As we know, industrialized countries--which historically have been largely responsible for anthropogenic greenhouse gases--agreed to ambitious and legally binding emission reduction targets.1 The United States, for example, pledged to reduce its emissions to 7% below 1990 levels by the period 2008 to 2012. Industrialized countries as a whole promised to reduce their emissions by approximately 5% over the same period. //

In many ways, the United States' target is the most ambitious given its tremendous economic growth since 1990.2 Based on current projections, the United States will have to reduce emissions from a business-as-usual scenario by roughly 30% in real terms to meet its Kyoto target.3 That figure stands in sharp contrast to the approximately 12% reduction required by industrialized countries as a group. //

Yet, standing alone, the Kyoto targets would represent little more than a momentary pause along a steep path of rising global emissions. The importance of the Kyoto Protocol, therefore, lies less in the initial emissions reduction numbers, than in thestructural elements of its climate control regime. I refer to the decisions to include: a basket of the six major greenhouse gases rather than just carbon; a multi-year commitment period rather than a single target year; and activities that take carbon out of the air and store it in the ground, commonly called carbon sequestration or "sinks".4 //

The most important structural innovation in the Protocol, however, was the creation of several new mechanisms designed to harness market forces to determine how and where to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The first of these mechanisms, emissions trading, will allow developed countries to achieve their emissions targets by trading emission credits among themselves, thereby ensuring that emission reductions are achieved in the most cost effective manner. // In the United States, we have had a very positive experience with emissions trading in acid-rain-causing sulfur dioxide, which has allowed us to reduce that pollution faster than planed, at a fraction of the estimated price and with virtually 100% compliance. //

Kyoto also created the "Clean Development Mechanism" or CDM, which creates incentive for emitters in developed countries to reduce emissions in developing countries through, for example,investments in clean energy projects.5 Another Kyoto mechanism allows countries to transfer portions of their initial emission allowances among each other and in this way adjust their Kyoto targets. The European Union has taken advantage of this mechanism by pooling or "bubbling" its emissions into a single supranational emission target.6//

In sum, the greatest achievement at Kyoto was the creation of an architectural framework for sustained, broad-based and costeffective international action on climate change.
The Kyoto conference, at the same time, left unanswered a number of absolutely critical questions, such as:
---How the Kyoto mechanisms would work in practice
---How to create a strong, predictable and fair compliance regime.
---How to define the role allowed to carbon sinks.

Also left unresolved were a range of particularly politically charged question relating to the role of developing countries and domestic action.

It is in this sense that the Protocol is generally described as a work in progress. //

COP-4 and COP-5

Following Kyoto, it became clear rather quickly that the Protocol is the most complex, broad ranging and ambitious environmental agreement ever negotiated by the international community--and that sorting through the outstanding issues would require a monumental amount of technical, scientific, legal and political work.7//

Since Kyoto, the international community has been working hard to put flesh on the Kyoto skeleton. We have reaffirmed our political will to finish the rules for the Protocol as soon as possible to allow for its early ratification and timely entry into force. We have reaffirmed our resolve to tie up as many outstanding issues as possible by November of this year in The Hague at the sixth conference of parties, referred to as COP-6.//


Even though most government are working hard to make COP-6 a success, a significant number of major issues remain unresolved with just four months to go. Let me give you a flavor of why "getting to yes" has been so difficult. Perhaps one of the most contentious philosophical differences in the negotiations is between the European Union and the Umbrella Group, a pairing of like-minded countries that includes Japan, Russia, Canada, Norway, Australia and the United States. //

The encouraging fact is that the European Union and the Umbrella Group share the same major objective: to create a climate protection regime with great environmental integrity. As someone with over twenty years of experience in the environmental community, let me assure all of you that protecting the climate in a manner that has environmental integrity is not only our national goal, but is also my highest personal priority in this negotiation. I am particularly proud that the United States has led the way in pushing for a strong, legally binding compliance system, as well as beefed up monitoring and reporting requirements. //

In contrast, the EU and Umbrella Group's approaches to the question of the cost of the Protocol are quite different. The EU is concerned that implementing the Protocol, particularly in the United States, will be too easy. Some in Europe think that we have a moral obligation to change our lifestyle as quickly and radically as possible.8 //

In this sense, many in the EU believe that producing significant short-term pain and suffering is actually desirable, rather than something to be avoided. The EU is also concerned that enterprises in the United States and other countries relying on efficient market-oriented approaches will enjoy a competitive advantage over European businesses that have been subjected to carbon taxes and extensive regulation.9//

In contrast, the United States and its Umbrella Group partners believe that the most cost-effective and affordable solutions willbuild the broadest public support for action and stretch our dollars to achieve the maximum environmental protection. We are concerned that, under any assumption, implementing the protocol will be a difficult exercise having discernible effect on national economies, and that if elaborated in the wrong way, it will cost more than is necessary. //

That is why we have sought scientifically sound inclusion of carbon sequestration opportunities, and why we have opposed arbitrary rules that would raise costs, such as limits on the market mechanisms. We believe that if it is allowed to function effectively,the market, rather than governments, will determine the right investments in new technologies. We reject the notion that tackling climate change should be unreasonably painful. //

(Excerpts from "Under Secretary of State Loy on Kyoto Protocol" made by former Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs Frank E.Loy to American Bar Association Conference)

口译讲评 Comments on Interpretation

1."As we know, industrialized countries--which historically have been largely responsible for anthropogenic greenhouse gases--agreed to ambitious and legally binding emission reduction targets."从句子结构可以看出本文是用词颇为正式的有讲稿的发言。译员在口译这类发言时有一定的难度,因此要注意抓住句子的主要意思和重要信息,摆脱原文书面化的结构。英文书面表达的一大特点是较多地使用插入语和定语从句。在临场译成汉语时可以视需要改变原插入语或定语从句的复杂形式而译为两个独立的句子。此句建议译成:"我们知道,工业化国家历史上是形成人为温室气体的主要原因。它们已同意制定高标准的具有法律效力的减排标准。"

2."In many ways, the United States’ target is the most ambitious given its tremendous economic growth since 1990."根据汉语表达先条件后结果的逻辑顺序,以及汉语多用短小的主谓结构而少用名词短语的特点,本句建议译成:"美国自1990年来经济增长迅猛,考虑到这个因素,从许多方面看,美国的目标都是最野心勃勃的。"

3."Based on current projections, the United States will have to reduce emissions from a business-as-usual scenario by roughly 30% in real terms to meet its Kyoto target."本句中理解的难点在于"from a business-as-usual scenario",意为:"在美国(温室气体排放)的惯常状况下,或以美国在温室气体排放方面一直以来的做法为基准的话"。本句译成汉语为:"按目前情况推测,美国必须在其惯常排放量的基础上切实 地减少约30%的排放才能达到其京都目标。"

4."I refer to the decisions to include: a basket of the six major greenhouse gases rather than just carbon; a multi-year commitment period rather than a single target year; and activities that take carbon out of the air and store it in the ground, commonly called carbon sequestration or ‘sinks’."此句在翻译时采用"增词"译法,译为:"我的意思是决定中要包括如下内容:要限制一组6种主要温室气体的排放,而不只是限制碳的排放;要规定多年的责任期而不是仅一年的目标;要采取措施将碳从空气中分离出来,贮存在地下,这通常称作碳吸收或‘碳汇’。"英文译成汉语时常常要添加必要的单词、词组甚至是分句,从而使译文在语法、语言形式上符合汉语的语言习惯和思维习惯。增词有时是出于语言表达的需要,如本例;有时是出于意思传达的需要,如下例:"This great scientist was born in New England."译为:"这位伟大的科学家出生于美国东北部的新英格兰。"为了让译文听者充分了解原文作者所处的文化背景、社会背景和创作背景,在译文中添加某些背景知识有时是十分必要的,有助于听者对译文的正确理解。

5."which creates incentive for emitters in developed countries to reduce emissions in developing countries through, for example, investments in clean energy projects,"译为:"该机制鼓励发达国家的排放者通过诸如投资清洁能源项目等方式来减少他们在发展中国家的排放量"。本句采用了"转性"译法,即根据译入语的语言习惯进行词性转换。类似的例子还有:"Presidentcalls for the establishment of more sanitary facilities."译为:"总统号召建立更多的卫生设施。"等。"转性"译法大量地用于同传及视译中。英译汉同传中,名词或其他词组经常被转译成及物动词以顺利承接下面的内容;汉译英同传中,译员力求通过"转性"译法使句子以名词结尾,从而通过定语从句承接下面的内容。

6."The European Union has taken advantage of this mechanism by pooling or "bubbling" its emissions into a single supranational emission target."本句采用"拆句"、"增词"的方法,译为:"欧洲联盟已从这项机制中受益。欧盟成员国把各自的排放额度汇在一起,联合使用,形成了一个独立的跨国排放标准。"

7."Following Kyoto, it became clear rather quickly that the Protocol is the most complex, broad ranging and ambitious environmental agreement ever negotiated by the international community--and that sorting through the outstanding issues would require a monumental amount of technical, scientific, legal and political work."译员在口译时并没有将这两个分句按照原文以并列的形式译出,而是将其译成了汉语中有因果关系的两个独立的句子。为了突出表现这种因果关系,句中某些词句的顺序也作了适当的调整,比如将原文中充当定语的"monumental"译成汉语中的表语。本句最后译成:"京都会议之后,人们很快清楚地认识到,在国际社会所 洽谈订立的关于环境的协议中,《议定书》无疑是最为复杂、涉及面最广和最为雄心勃勃的。因此,解决那些 悬而未决的问题所需要的技术、科学、法律和政治方面的工作也是前所未有的。"译员在口译时一项重要的能力就是分析源语中暗含的逻辑关系。

8.译员对译入语表达方式的掌握要比较灵活。比如此句:"Some in Europe think that we have a moral obligation to change our lifestyle as quickly and radically as possible."在口译时可遵循"顺序译法"译成:"欧洲有些人认为从道义上来讲,我们有责 任尽快地、尽可能彻底地改变我们的生活方式。"也可灵活译成:"欧洲有些人认为我们应尽快地、尽可能彻底地改变我们的生活方式,因为我们对此负有道义上的责任。"译员的一项基本功就是要有过硬的语言功底,其中一点就是对句型的灵活掌握,也就是说可以视情况不同以多变的句式表达同一个意思。对此能力的训练一方面要有针对性的进行口译练习,另一方面要注重平时的积累和阅读,这样才能在口译时做到随机应变,应付 自如。

9."The EU is also concerned that enterprises in the United States and other countries relying on efficient market-oriented approaches will enjoy a competitive advantage over European businesses that have been subjected to carbon taxes and extensive regulation."经分析不难看出,本句中"enterprises"的两组修饰成份都在某种程度上起到"原因"的作 用,即"美国和其他国家的某些企业"因"依靠有效的市场导向作为经营手段"而在竞争中享有优势;而"欧洲的公司"则因"必须遵守大量的法规并缴纳碳排放税"而在竞争中处于劣势。所以在口译时如果不宜将修饰 成分放在主句中一并译出,不如将修饰成分单立成句,并体现出它们与主句的逻辑联系。本句建议译成:"欧盟还担心美国和其他国家的企业因依靠有效的市场导向作为经营手段,会比欧洲企业有竞争优势,因为欧洲企 业必须遵守大量的法规并缴纳碳排放税。"


《京都议定书》是在保护地球气候系统方面迈出的历史性一步。我们知道,工业化国家历史上 是形成人为温室气体的主要原因。它们已同意制定高标准的具有法律效力的减排标准。例如,美国承诺在2008年至2012年间将其排放量减少至比1990年低7%的水平。整个工业化国家承诺在同期将排放量 减少约5%。//

美国自1990年来经济增长迅猛,考虑到这个因素,从许多方面看,美国的目标都是最野心勃勃的。按目前 情况推测,美国必须在其惯常排放量的基础上切实减少约30%的排放才能达到其京都目标。这个数字与整个工 业化国家要求的约12%的减排量形成鲜明对照。//

然而,单独来看,京都目标只不过是全球排放量在急骤上升过程中的一个短暂的停顿。因此, 《京都议定书》的重要性不在于最初的减排数量上,而在于其气候控制制度的内容上。我的意思是决定中要包 括如下内容:要限制一组6种主要温室气体的排放,而不只是限制碳的排放;要规定多年的责任期而不是仅一 年的目标;要采取措施将碳从空气中分离出来,贮存在地下,这通常称作碳吸收或“碳汇”。//



《京都议定书》还建立了“清洁发展机制”,简称CDM。该机制鼓励发达国家的排放者通过诸 如投资清洁能源项目等方式来减少他们在发展中国家的排放量。《京都议定书》的另一项机制是允许国家之间 转让他们最初规定的排放限额,从而调整他们在《京都议定书》中的目标。欧洲联盟已从这项机制中受益。欧 盟成员国把各自的排放额度汇在一起,联合使用,形成了一个独立的跨国排放标准。//











与此形成鲜明对比的是,欧盟和伞式组织在对待《议定书》代价问题上的态度差异很大。欧盟 担心《议定书》的执行,特别是在美国的执行会过于容易。欧洲有些人认为从道义上来讲,我们有责任尽快 地、尽可能彻底地改变我们的生活方式。//

从这个意义上讲,欧盟很多人认为为此经受的短期巨大痛苦和损失是件好事,而不应加以避 免。欧盟还担心美国和其他国家的企业因依靠有效的市场导向作为经营手段,会比欧洲企业有竞争优势,因为欧洲企业必须遵守大量的法规并缴纳碳排放税。//

与此相反,美国及其伞式组织的合作伙伴相信,成本最低、最经济的解决办法会争取到最广泛 的公众支持,让所花的美元产生最大的环保效益。我们担心,在各种情况下,《议定书》的执行都会遇到很多 困难,会对国家经济造成显著的影响。如果向着错误的方向发展,会造成不必要的损失。//

这就是为什么我们要寻求科学上可行的方法来进行碳吸收,又为什么要反对像限制市场机制这 样增加成本的武断措施。我们相信,如果能够有效运转,市场、而不是政府将决定新技术中的正确投资方向。 我们拒绝接受那种认为应对天气变化就应经历特别的痛苦和损失的观点。//


  • determinev. 决定,决心,确定,测定
  • legaladj. 法律的,合法的,法定的
  • predictableadj. 可预知的
  • protectionn. 保护,防卫
  • technicaladj. 技术的,工艺的
  • effectivelyadv. 事实上,有效地
  • commitmentn. 承诺,保证; 确定,实行
  • affordableadj. 支付得起的,不太昂贵的
  • communityn. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落
  • ambitiousadj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的