人事部CATTI二级口译课程培训(MP3+讲义) 第28讲
日期:2014-08-05 09:32



口译讲评Comments on Interpretation
1.“我成为环保工作者的20年正是世界环保事业蓬勃发展之际,也是中国经济快速发展之时。”本句译成:“I have worked in environmental protection for two decades. This period has witnessed vigorous advancement of the international environmental cause as well as remarkable development of the Chinese economy.” 由于英汉两种语言表达习惯的差异,译员在口译时并没有按照原句的形式直接译成汉语,而是将原句的主语单独译成一句,然后用“this period”来指代原主语中心词“20年”以承接下面的内容。像本句的这种句式在汉语中比较常见,比如:“过去的20年是改革开放的20年,是中国经济腾飞的20年”。“新中国成立后的五十年是中国人民扬眉吐气的五十年,是中国重返世界政治、经济舞台的五十年。”。翻译此类句子时可以采用本句的翻译方法:继续用“时间段”作主语,用“witness”作谓语,承接“发生的事情”;或用“时间段”做时间状语,用主谓结构表达“在这段时间内发生了什么事情。”所以,本句还可以考虑译成:“Ihave worked in environmental protection for two decades. During these two decades, vigorous development has been scored both in international environmental protection cause and in China’s economic drive.”
2.“经济快速发展带来了严峻的环境挑战,发达国家上百年出现、分阶段解决的环境问题,在中国短短的20多年中集中表现出来,呈现复合型、压缩型的环境问题。”对本句的逻辑结构进行分析,将本句分为两个语义层次,三个语义单位:经济快速发展带来了严峻的环境挑战(表现为)://(1)发达国家上百年出现、分阶段解决的环境问题,在中国短短的20多年中集中表现出来,//(2)环境问题呈现复合型、压缩型。”如此分析后,本句可译成:“Rapideconomic growth has brought with it grave challenges to the environment. // Problems that cropped up and were dealt with step by step in nearly a hundred years in developed countries befell China within twenty years // --all of them enormously complex ones.”
3.“由于中国将环境保护作为一项基本国策,坚持实施可持续发展战略,开展大规模污染治理和生态恢复,//(结果)在经济快速发展的情况下,(1)环境恶化加剧的趋势得到基本控制,(2)部分城市和地区的环境质量有所改善。”汉语中经常把一系列主谓短语罗列在一起(本句第一个分句中就有三个主谓结构)。在翻译时一方面要理清它们之间内在的逻辑关系,另一方面要尽量避免英文表达方式上的单一和重复,比如在译成英文时要确定将哪个主谓结构译成谓语,而将另一些主谓结构以伴随状语,或其他状语形式、甚至是从句形式译出。本句可译成:“TheChinese government, making environmental protection one of its basic national policies and sticking to the strategy of sustainable development, has carried out large-scale pollution control and treatment and ecological restoration efforts. It has succeeded in curbing, by and large, the trend of environmental deterioration and in improving the quality of the environment to some extent in a number of cities and regions while sustaining rapid economic growth.”
4.“特别是老的环境问题还未解决,新的问题还在不断出现。”汉语分句与分句之间的关系是隐性的,而英语中句与句之间的逻辑关系是显性的,所以本句译成:“Oneparticular challenge is that new issues keep coming up before oldones have been solved.”
5.“传统的发展模式将使资源和环境面临前所未有的压力,环境保护的任务十分艰巨。为此,中国政府确定了全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观。走一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源得到充分发挥的新型工业化道路。”汉语的断句要比英语更“积极”一些。所以,经常是看似彼此独立的几个汉语句子仍属于一个意群。译成英文时,可考虑将几个汉语句子揉在一起;把次要的句子转化成主要句子的组成成分或是附带成分,比如,定语、状语、主语,状语从句,伴随状语或同位语从句。所以此句译成:“Asthe conventional mode of development is bound to bringunprecedented pressure to bear on resources and the environment,the Chinese government has established the concept ofcomprehensive, coordinated, sustainable and scientificdevelopment, taking a new path to industrialization featuring highscientific and technological content, good economic returns, lowresources consumption, little environmental pollution and a fulldisplay of China's advantages in human resources.”
6.“为实现这一目标,我们将大力发展以最有效利用资源和保护环境为基础的循环经济,积极推进可持续生产和消费,切实加强环境法制,严格执法,公开环境信息,鼓励公众参与,//让我们的人民喝上干净的水、呼吸清洁的空气、吃上放心的食物,在良好的环境中生产和生活。”本句又是一个连续使用主谓结构的例子。翻译时首先按逻辑关系分出语义层(本句分两个语义层);然后把各层内容理出主次,确定译文中主句的主、谓、宾(原文中下划线部分为译文主句);最后,确定其他成分在译文中的语法作用。本句建议译成:“Toattain this goal, we shall spare no efforts in promoting circulareconomy based on the most efficient use of resources andenvironmental protection, pressing ahead sustainable productionand consumption, strengthening the legal system as it pertains tothe environment, rigorously enforcing relevant laws andregulations, publicizing environmental information, encouragingpublic participation in protecting the environment, so as toprovide our people with clean water, fresh air, safe food, and ahealthy environment in which to live and work. China’senvironmental protection is still an arduous task.”
7.“女士们,先生们:1972年联合国人类环境会议以来,尽管国际社会做出了巨大努力,但全球环境仍在持续恶化,成为人类面临的共同挑战,而快速发展的全球化更使环境形势日益复杂。”按照逻辑关系,本句可分为以下层次:(1)全球环境仍在持续恶化,(2)快速发展的全球化更使环境形势日益复杂,(3)日益恶化的环境问题成为人类面临的共同挑战。此句可采用“断句”译法,译成:“Ladiesand Gentlemen, since the UN Conference on the Human Environmentwas held in 1972, despite enormous efforts made by theinternational community, the global environment has been steadilydeteriorating. The acceleration of globalization has compoundedenvironmental degradation. These are challenges common to allhuman beings.”


Mr. Secretary-General Annan,
Dr. Toepfer,
Mr. Reilly,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a tremendous honor to be here tonight to accept this year'sUNEP Sasakawa Environment Prize from His ExcellencySecretary-General Annan. I deem the awarding of this prestigiousprize as recognition and affirmation by the United Nations and theinternational community of China's efforts and achievements inenvironmental protection and sustainable development. The honor isnot just for me. It goes to my country and to all my colleagueswho, by working tirelessly at their own positions, have contributed to the protection of the environment in China. //
I have worked in environmental protection for two decades. Thisperiod has witnessed vigorous advancement of the internationalenvironmental cause as well as remarkable development of theChinese economy. Rapid economic growth has brought with it gravechallenges to the environment. Problems that cropped up and weredealt with step by step in nearly a hundred years in developedcountries befell China within twenty years--all of them enormouslycomplex ones. //
The Chinese government, making environmentalprotection one of its basic national policies and sticking to thestrategy of sustainable development, has carried out large-scalepollution control and treatment and ecological restorationefforts. It has succeeded in curbing, by and large, the trend ofenvironmental deterioration and in improving the quality of theenvironment to some extent in a number of cities and regions whilesustaining rapid economic growth. Fortunate enough to be living insuch great times, I feel extremely proud and honored to havedevoted the best of my years to the worthy cause of environmentalprotection. //
Although remarkable progress has been achieved in protecting theenvironment and seeking sustainable development, China is stillfaced with serious problems of environmental pollution andworsening ecological deterioration. One particular challenge isthat new issues keep coming up before old ones have been solved.For the next two decades, China has set the goal of building awell-off society characterized by economic prosperity with thetotal economic output increasing fourfold, social progress, andharmony between man and nature. //
As the conventional mode ofdevelopment is bound to bring unprecedented pressure to bear onresources and the environment, the Chinese government hasestablished the concept of comprehensive, coordinated, sustainableand scientific development, taking a new path to industrializationfeaturing high scientific and technological content, good economicreturns, low resources consumption, little environmental pollutionand a full display of China's advantages in human resources. //
Toattain this goal, we shall spare no efforts in promoting circulareconomy based on the most efficient use of resources andenvironmental protection, sustainable production and consumption,strengthening the legal system as it pertains to the environment,rigorously enforcing relevant laws and regulations, publicizingenvironmental information, encouraging public participation inprotecting the environment, so as to provide our people with cleanwater, fresh air, safe food, and a healthy environment in which tolive and work. China's environmental protection is still anarduous task. The road ahead is long and tortuous. I will keepfighting to see these objectives fulfilled. //
I would like to thank UNEP for awarding me this SasakawaEnvironment Prize. I am ready to contribute the total sum of thisprize to the work of environment and education of the mostpoverty-stricken areas in the western regions of China. //
Ladies and Gentlemen, since the UN Conference on the HumanEnvironment was held in 1972, despite enormous efforts made by theinternational community, the global environment has been steadilydeteriorating. The acceleration of globalization has compoundedenvironmental degradation. These are challenges common to allhuman beings. In order to address these challenges, we should notonly have a sense of responsibility, political will, courage andvision, but also take concrete action. We hope the UNEP will playa greater role in the concerted efforts of all countries as well.//
We are fully aware that the best way for us to contribute to theprotection of the global environment is to do an excellent job inenvironmental protection in China. Therefore, we will further ourcooperation with the international community in a joint endeavorto protect the earth -- the common home of mankind.Thank you all very much. //
(Statement at the Presentation Ceremony of The 2003 UNEPSasakawa Environment Prize By Mr. Xie Zhenhua,Minister of StateEnvironmental Protection Administration of China)

  • strategyn. 战略,策略
  • spareadj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的 v. 抽出,饶
  • vigorousadj. 精力充沛的,元气旺盛的,有力的
  • legaladj. 法律的,合法的,法定的
  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • tortuousadj. 弯曲的,曲折的,转弯抹角的
  • enormouslyadv. 巨大地,庞大地;非常地,在极大程度上
  • moden. 方式,样式,模式,风格,时兴 n. [音乐]
  • presentationn. 陈述,介绍,赠与 n. [美]讲课,报告
  • unprecedentedadj. 空前的,前所未有的