在实施"科教兴国"和"人才强国"战略,全面建设小康社会的进程中,中国政府将推动教育 事业持续健康协调快速发展,构建完善的国民教育体系和终身教育体系,培养数以亿计的高素质劳动者,数以 千万计的专门人才和一大批拔尖创新人才,并促进教育与科技创新、经济建设、文化繁荣和社会进步的紧密结合。//
《2003-2007年教育振兴行动计划》,明确了今后5年我国教育工作的方向、任务和目标,对教 育改革和发展提出了具体要求。《国家西部地区"两基"攻坚计划》,对实现西部地区基本普及九年义务教 育、基本扫除青壮年文盲做出了具体部署。//
实施这两个计划,对于提高全民族的素质,对于经济和社会的全面、协调和可持续发展,具有 重大意义2。教育部将按照会议要求,从"科教兴国"、"人才强国"和推进西部大开发的战略高度,认真实施这两个计划。//
During the process of implementing the strategy of "Rejuvenating China through Science and Education" and "Develop China by Talent" and developing an overall well-off society, the Chinese government will further promote the sustainable, healthy, cohesive and rapid development of education, build up a perfect national educational system and a lifelong learning system, produce billions of high qualified labors, millions of specialized professionals and a large group of outstanding innovative talents, and promote a close integration between education and innovation in science and technology, economic construction, cultural prosperity and social progress. //
On December 30, 2003, the National Steering Group for Science, Technology and Education under the new cabinet held the second meeting and heard the report by the Ministry of Education on "Action Plan for Rejuvenating Education 2003-2007" and "The Program for Strategic Breakthrough in the Universalization of Nine-Year Compulsory Education and Eradication the Illiteracy among Middle-aged and Young Group in the West". //
The "Action Plan for Rejuvenating Education 2003-2007" identifies the direction, tasks and objectives of educational development in China for the next 5 years, clarifying the detailed requirements for educational reform and development. Meanwhile, "The Program for Strategic Breakthrough in the Universalization of Nine-Year Compulsory Education and Eradication the Illiteracy among Middle-aged and Young Group in the West" puts forward the details on the universlization of NYCE and the eradication of illiteracy among middle-aged and young group in the western areas. //
The implementation of these two Programs will play an important role in improving the overall national quality and pursuing cohesive and sustainable development of economy and society. The Ministry of Education will comply with the requirement set by the meeting and carry out the two programs carefully from the strategic perspective of rejuvenating China through science, technology and education, developing China through talents, and promoting the process of Grand Western Development. //
In the future, the educational work in China will follow the principle of "consolidating existing achievements, deepening reform, improving quality and pursuing sustainable development" to promote the overall, healthy, rapid and sustainable development of education of various forms and at all levels. //
The first priority is to promote the educational reform and development in rural areas. In China, 70% of the population inhabits in rural areas and the students in primary and secondary schools in rural areas have amounted to 160 million. 2004 will witness the implementation of "The Program for Strategic Breakthrough in the Universalization of Nine-Year Compulsory Education and Eradication the Illiteracy among Middle-aged and Young Group in the West". It is planned that in the next five years, the universalization of NYCE and eradication of illiteracy will be realized in the western areas so that all the children in the west can have access to education, fulfilling the purpose of the Program. //
In those western and central areas where the NYCE has been universalized, the achievements are to be consolidated and quality of the NYCE and compulsory education should be further improved. In the areas with developed economy, the NYCE should be universalized at a higher level with better quality. At the same time, we will promote the development of Modern Distance Program for Primary and Secondary Schools in Rural Areas and try to improve the management system for compulsory education in rural areas in which the county will act as the main management body. //
We will intensify our efforts in implementing the "Program on Teaching Quality and Teaching Reform in HEIs" and in the deepening of teaching reform in HEIs so that the quality of higher education and the quality of talents produced by higher education can be further improved. We will concentrate our resources to strengthen the efforts in developing world class universities and key disciplines. By carrying out the second round of 985 Program and 211 Project, a system for key disciplines with reasonable structure and individual advantages and characteristics can be built up.
口译讲评 Comments on Interpretation
1.中国人善于归纳概括,汉语词汇大多内涵丰富,涵盖面广,因此,在翻译成英语时,我们不能照字面意思直译,而需要将其中所包含的信息明确化,特别是在讲话中首次出现时,需要适当加以解释。《国家西部地区"两基"攻坚计划》,其中"两基"的含义是指普及九年义务教育和扫除青壮年文盲现象,因此应当将这一信息完整地译出来:"the Program for Strategic Breakthrough in the Universalization of Nine-Year Compulsory Education and Eradication of the Illiteracy among Middle-aged and Young Group in the West"而不能模糊地译成"the Program for Strategic Breakthrough in the Two Generals"。再比如,被评为"门前三包单位",首先得了解"包"的具体含义,然后才可以 着手翻译。"包"是指每个单位必须负责门前的清洁、绿地等,保证门前没有烟头、废纸、果皮等废弃物品,因此不能简单地译成"a model unit with three responsibilities",而应当将信息明确化,可译为"a model unit in sanitation and environmental protection"。
2."实施这两个计划,对于提高全民族的素质,对于经济和社会的全面、协调和可持续发展,具有重大意义。" 在汉英翻译中,可进行各种词类的转换,例如汉语动词转成英语名词、形容词、介词;汉语形容词或副词转换成英语名词,汉语名词转换成英语动词,等。其中,汉语动词转化成英语名词尤为普遍。在该 句话中,动词短语"实施这两个计划"可以转化为名词性短语"the implementation of these two Programs"。此外,整个句子的语序需要调整,与汉语不同,英语中表示结果和归纳性的成分通常放在句子前面,所以译为"The implementation of these two programs will play an important role in improving the overall national quality and pursuing cohesive and sustainable development of economy and society"。
3."高等学校"译为:"Higher Education Institutes",缩写形式为"HEIs"。
4.汉语讲求意合,重在内在联系,不求形式连接,因此,汉语使用连接词少,句子结构多以并列为多,而英语通常需要用连接词来表明词与词,词组与词组以及句子与句子之间的逻辑关系,相对而言,英语 中主从句结构较多。因此,对于汉语中多层次的并列结构,应当分析其逻辑结构,找出隐含的层次关系。例 如"加大实施‘高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程’的力度,进一步深化高等学校的教学改革,进一步提高教 育质量,努力提高人才培养质量"。加大实施 和深化教学改革可以列为并列层次,而后面的两句话则是前 两个举动的结果,可译为"We will intensify our efforts in implementing the ‘Program on Teaching Quality and Teaching Reform in HEIs’and in the deepening of teaching reform in HEIs so that the quality of higher education and the quality of talents produced by higher education can be further improved"。如果四个层次的并列关系在英语中都用and来表示,那么英译文将显得十分笨拙,难以让读者看清这四层关系。