Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Excellencies,
Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, in Afghanistan, a girl will be born. Her mother will hold her and feed her, comfort her and care for her – just as any mother would anywhere in the world. In these most basic acts of human nature, humanity knows no divisions. 2 But to be born a girl in today's Afghanistan is to begin life centuries away from the prosperity that one small part of humanity has achieved. It is to live under conditions that many of us in this hall would consider inhuman.//
I speak of a girl in Afghanistan, but I might equally well have mentioned a baby boy or girl in Sierra Leone. No one today is unaware of this divide between the world's rich and poor. No one today can claim ignorance of the cost that this divide imposes on the poor and dispossessed who are no less deserving of human dignity, fundamental freedoms, security, food and education than any of us.3 The cost, however, is not borne by them alone. Ultimately, it is borne by all of us – North and South, rich and poor, men and women of all races and religions. //
Today's real borders are not between nations, but between powerful and powerless, free and fettered, privileged and humiliated. Today, no walls can separate humanitarian or human rights crises in one part of the world from national security crises in another. //
Scientists tell us that the world of nature is so small and interdependent that a butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon rainforest can generate a violent storm on the other side of the earth.4 This principle is known as the "Butterfly Effect." Today, we realize, perhaps more than ever, that the world of human activity also has its own "Butterfly Effect" – for better or for worse
挪威诺贝尔委员会各位成员, 女士们、先生们,
今天,一个女孩将诞生在阿富汗。女孩的母亲将与世界上任何地方的母亲一样,搂抱她、喂她、 疼爱她、照顾她。这都是人性最基本的行为,人人如此,没有分别。但在今天的阿富汗出生的女孩,她将开始 过的生活,与人类的一少部分已实现的富足生活相比,相去几个世纪。她的生活条件在我们这个大厅中的许多 人看来是不人道的。//
我谈到了阿富汗的一个女孩,其实我也可以提到塞拉利昂的一个男婴或是一个女婴。今天,没有 人不知道世界上贫富之间存在的这一鸿沟;没有人能说他不知道这一鸿沟使一无所有的人们付出了多大的代价。这些人和我们一样,应当享 有人的尊严、基本自由、安全、食物和教育。然而付出代价的人不止他们。最终,我们所有人-北方人、南方 人,穷人、富人,所有种族、所有宗教的男人和女人都要付出代价。//
科学家告诉我们,自然世界非常之小,而且高度相互依存。在亚马孙雨林的一只蝴蝶扇动翅膀就能够在地球另一边造成强烈风暴。这就是人称"蝴蝶效应"的原则。今天,我们或许比以往任何时候都更加认 识到,人类活动的世界也有自己的"蝴蝶效应",福事如此,祸事亦是如此。//
1.Your Majesties 译为"国王和王后陛下"。Majesty 是对帝王、王后等的尊称。Your Majesty用于直接称呼,His/Her Majesty 用于间接称呼。复数Majesties用来指国王和王后,女王及其丈夫,王族、王室成员们。Your Highness译为"殿下"是对皇亲的尊称,也可表达为:Your Royal/Imperial/Serene Highness。Your Excellency译为"阁下"是对大使、总督的尊称,不可作为普通敬语随便乱用。"The Honorable"也可译为"阁下",用来称呼除大使、总督外的首相、总理、大臣等特殊身份的人。在汉语的礼仪致辞中经常把某位贵宾称为"阁下",尽管该贵宾并无以上所说之特殊身份。这只是汉语表 达的习惯而已,在译成英文时不可一律译成"Your Excellency "或"The Honorable"。此时,简单称其为Mr. / Miss. / Mrs. 即可。
2. "In these most basic acts of human nature, humanity knows no divisions."
3. "No one today is unaware of this divide between the world's rich and poor. No one today can claim ignorance of the cost that this divide imposes on the poor and dispossessed who are no less deserving of human dignity, fundamental freedoms, security, food and education than any of us."
4. "Scientists tell us that the world of nature is so small and interdependent that a butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon rainforest can generate a violent storm on the other side of the earth."中的"so that"句型不一定都译成汉语中的"如此 以至于"的对应形式。尤其是在so后面的成分比较长的情况下,对译会使汉语句子显得冗长并带有翻译的痕迹。不如按照汉语的语 言习惯,将该句拆分成汉语中的两个句子,在选词上注意体现两句之间的逻辑关系即可。英语是形合的语言, 善于用语言形式体现成分之间的逻辑关系,如本例中的"so that"结构;而汉语是意合语言,常通过语言内在的联系表达逻辑关系而无需某些形式上的做法。
5. "Today, we realize, perhaps more than ever, that the world of human activity also has its own "Butterfly Effect" – for better or for worse."
建议译成:"今天我们或许比以往任何时候都更加认识到,人类活动的世界也有自己的"蝴蝶效应"——福事如此,祸事亦如此。"英文中为了强调某些意思,经常使用倒装句或是插入成分来引起读者的主 意。如果这些特殊的语序被直接译成中文的话,往往会显得不伦不类。因此,在英译汉时建议将这些特殊的语 序在适当的情况下还原,这样会比较符合汉语的语言习惯。另外,本句中的"for better or for worse "构成了一个难点。这是一句俗语,意为: "in both good and bad fortune"。在汉语中常被译为:"同甘共苦、福祸与共"。而在这里,结合上下文的意思,理解为:"这种蝴蝶效应(相互牵连的效应)即可能产生好的影响,有可能产生坏的牵连。"有时在口译时容易错听成" for better or worse",这也是一句俗语,意为"不管结果如何",但这个意思放在这里显然与上文缺乏必要的联系。在口译的时候,由于紧张和其他外界的干扰,有些信息在接受的过程中会被遗漏或是歪曲,这个时候需要译员有联系上下文进行分析进而做出推测和判断的能力,以便使自己走出困境,准确传译.